Page 84 of Abduction

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“And to go even deeper, what financials I could find led me to William Deveraux who had been the city district attorney who helped bury the case—like Tommy mentioned.”

Elizabeth moved closer to the screen.

“See these two numbers?” she asked as she touched them on the holographic image.

They lit up.

“Yeah,” Rogue offered.

“That’s a payout. The account they came from was a once CIA account. That was the ONLY reason we have a tie. Like I said, the files are MIA. I’m going to bet that Artemis used someone she either worked with or paid to make that happen for her.”


This was a mess.

“And we’re sure?” Maura asked.

Her old teammate nodded.

“It’s how I was paid,” Reaper said. “The CIA has a few untraceable accounts. When Elizabeth found it, tied to the two dead men and their family members, I confirmed it.”

He pulled out his phone and tossed it to Maura so she could see the account.

“My last CIA payment was a month ago. Same account.”

Maura got it.

She trusted both Lewis and Elizabeth. What they’d thought was just the Russians coming, was likely a cover for their own deaths. Alexsandr was gunning for the people who touched his family.

So it began.


“So they are tied to this too. We all are. This is going to be two strikes against us. It’s not only about the city, but us.”

Elizabeth nodded.

“We don’t think anyone realizes we figured it out. Taking those two prominent men was a mistake. It was the first one Artemis made. It gave us a way to track back to see what was going on.”

Well, that might be what saved their bacon.


Who knew it?

She continued.

“My boss wants me to cover up the cover-up. Which is always a sack of funsies. They weren’t taken for ransom. They were taken to clear the field of anyone who participated. You guys are in some shit because we don’t know what they were interrogated about, or if it was just to hurt them.”

They could see that.

“Assume you guys are next.”

Yeah, they already did.

“This wasn’t something that a Russian got from the CIA directly. This screams foul, and when something stinks, as of late, we all know who is behind it.”

Maura got it.
