Page 85 of Abduction

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“Artemis Dubois.”

She nodded.

“There were only so many ways that a Russian asshole like Dominik could get CIA secrets that were this deep. Artemis has been an agent for a long time. Then, add in that Artemis goes off the reservation a week before he’s due to make landfall? Not a coincidence. She’s up to her skanky eyeballs in this shit. I’d bet my badge on it.”

They agreed there.

As of late, she’d been a huge pain in all of their asses but seemed benign.

Remmy didn’t like this.




He knew what the woman was capable of doing. While he’d never trusted her, he’d never feared her.

Until now.

She was planning some hardcore shit, and that was likely going to get him caught in the crossfire.

“We’re lucky we figured this out,” he admitted. “I also have a huge issue now.”

Elizabeth let him talk.

He had, after all, been a spook. He knew the most about Artemis.

“What?” she asked.

He shared.

“Artemis is always popping up at The Underground. She’s going to be tricky to catch. I’ve dealt with her plenty. Because she plays chess well, I’m going to bet that she already knows that you’re here,” he said to Elizabeth. “It’ll only be a matter of time before she figures out why. You could be in danger.”

She was aware.

Ivan moved closer as if there was a snowball’s chance someone was coming at her there.

“Miss me?” she asked him. “Because I know I missed almost sitting in your lap because you’re right up my ass, Ivan.”

He shrugged.

“There are worse places,” he admitted, “than that overly spelunked cave.”

She snorted.

“Sometimes, I wonder about you.”

“I wonder about you all of the time,” he stated. “Now, let me do my goddamn job in this godless city.”

Elizabeth dropped her arm over his shoulders.

“Toady has nothing to worry about. She won’t touch me. If she does, it’ll be a war. I’ve gone head-to-head against her before.”

That didn’t mean she wouldn’t make a mess.

A big one.
