Page 94 of Abduction

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She gave him a kiss on the cheek and patted it with her hand.

“Let it go,” she said. “For me. For you. For what good we’ve done and all the missions after. Set that free because I’m not worried about it. I don’t even think about it. Jagger healed me, and I’m whole.”

He looked over at Jagger.

“I’m sorry.”

He got up and headed his way. He hugged him and pulled him into his body.

“Brother, we are good. There was nothing to forgive. You couldn’t stop the assault. None of us could. Maura forgave us all. We didn’t let her down.”

He nodded.

Everyone watched, but they gave them this moment. It was vital to healing.

“When this is over, maybe we can get a drink,” Reaper offered. “I’ll see if I can find another Marine to join us. I know he’s around, but I’ll see if he’ll come out of the shadows for old friends.”

They knew he meant Recluse.

That worked for them.

“First and foremost, find Artemis for us,” Jagger said. “I’m going to make her bleed for what she’s pointed at us. This is my family, and I’ll die for them.”

No one doubted that.

Elizabeth interrupted.

“When you find her, find me. She’s going to have a little conversation with me first. I warned her next time she hurt someone I loved, I was going to put a bullet in her head. I really wish I did back in Columbia.”

Reaper laughed.

“Yeah, me too. She needs to be taken apart piece by piece.”

Zayn sighed.

“He’s loco like the rest of us.”

Oh, he was.

Lewis was a ball buster, so he decided to have some fun.

“Nice hair,” he said to the big Native man.

Zayn blinked.

“You got a problem with my hair?” Zayn asked. “Because I have a problem with your face.”

Lewis grinned and did what he did best.

He switched it up, flirting with him.

“It’s sexy. That’s all,” he said.

And with that, he walked away, leaving them to go do his thing.

Zayn just stared at the Marine as he walked away.

“Did he hit on me?”
