Page 98 of Abduction

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As of late, Gene was calling more, and texting. He was reaching back into his past to hold onto something. He was struggling.

Tommy was too.

It was crystal clear that the man didn’t trust Ethan around his ‘man’.

He also had little faith in Gene.

The bottom line was that you couldn’t have a good relationship if someone was always questioning your past.

Tommy had been suspicious of him, and while Ethan loved this man, and always would, he’d never cheat on his spouses. He loved his life. Gene had been the bridge to Elizabeth, set into play by Timothy.

Gene was also faithful to his partner. That had been the one thing he never had to worry about. Fidelity to Gene was paramount.

It was why they’d been a couple for seven years before Gene took the job in New Orleans. He never had to worry that the man would betray him.


“Gene, it’s just you and me. You can say it and be open.”

“Between you and me?” he asked.

Ethan nodded.

“If that’s what you need it to be, then yes. I won’t say anything to anyone.”

“I worry that she’ll not let me back because of me being your ex and what was between us.”

“And still is between us?”

He nodded.

Ethan actually laughed.

“Gene, Elizabeth knows how I feel about you. She’s asked, and I’ve been upfront about every single thing. She knows that I was so deeply in love with you, and still have ties to you. My wife knows that I still love you and accepts that.”

“And she’s not afraid?”

He had to be honest.

“One, she’d kill us all if my dick came out with anyone but her, Christopher, and Callen, and secondly, I don’t cheat. I’ve been cheated on before. You know that, and she knows that. I can love someone deeply, and on a level like I love you without it ending up with us fucking.”

Gene placed his hand on Ethan’s thigh, connecting them because he felt so…lost.

Immediately, Ethan put his hand over his to reassure him. A lot had changed for Ethan. That touch wasn’t always about seduction or led to bed.

Sometimes, touch was about comfort and when you were scared.

He’d learned that from Chris and Callen.


He’d learned that from this man.

“Tommy isn’t like that.”

Oh, he was aware.

Ethan was honest.
