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Tina was the first one to climb in their refurbished Dodge Durango, followed by Xavier. Jensen held up his hand and helped Sienna in, before he joined her, closing the door firmly behind them. The moment Jaxon sat in the passenger’s seat, he took out one of his guns and kept it in his lap for easier and faster access. Aiden took his position as a driver and turned on the car. He reversed out of the garage, and they were on their way to the Aghayan office building.

The Lockwood militia was already in their agreed-upon locations, keeping an eye on the building as well as the streets surrounding it. No matter how much Sienna strained her eyes to spot them, she couldn’t distinguish them from normal people passing by and going around their business. It didn’t mean anything because she wasn’t trained to recognize a tail. Kyle and his thugs surely were, but there was always a chance that they’d miss it or that Kyle’s anger would push him to be reckless.

They arrived without any problems or visible threats, although at some point, Aiden thought they were being followed, but luckily, he turned out to be wrong. Everyone’s nerves were on edge, their imaginations working overtime.

The heirs closed ranks around Sienna and Tina when they stepped out of the car and escorted them into the building using the front entrance. Sienna held her breath, her eyes darting around, but there wasn’t enough time to take it all in because before she knew it, she was inside the building.

Samson waited anxiously at the reception area and approached them the moment he saw them enter. “I’m glad you’ve arrived okay,” he said as a way of greeting. “Come on, let’s go up where there are fewer people and it’s safer.”

The Carrington heirs kept their protective bubble around the two girls, shielding them with their bodies. No one said a word until they were safely in the elevator and the door closed, keeping any threat on the other side.

“All good?” Jensen asked, looking from his brothers to Sienna and Tina.

They all nodded and let out a collective sigh of relief. Their ultimate goal was to get Kyle out in the open, but it was also good to know that they managed to do at least one part of the job without anyone getting hurt. Besides, even if Kyle decided not to show up, Sienna and Tina still needed to get to the office, sign the documents, and meet the investors.

Samson pointed at the massive office down the hall. “That was Dahlia’s. I suppose one of you will have it now. I’ll make sure to have another one prepared in the future.”

It took Sienna a moment to tear her eyes away from the office. Her mind conjured up the images of her possible future. She could see herself getting up in the mornings and coming to work, drinking coffee with her coworkers, then being picked up for lunch by her Carrington heirs. It was an easy dream that had a real possibility to turn into a reality. Then and there, Sienna decided that she wanted that future. She would have it.

She joined the others in the conference room where there was a big screen mounted on one of the walls, all set up for a video call with the investors.

“I trust you’ve read the email that I sent you yesterday, yeah?” Samson asked, and Sienna was the first to nod. It was a dull way to spend the evening, but after everything she had been through, boring was exactly what she was yearning for. The email contained all the details about the meeting and the deal. In reality, the call was just an excuse for the investors to meet the new owners. Everything else had already been decided and agreed on.

Sienna and Tina sat at the head of the table, while the heirs positioned themselves around the room. They wouldn’t be a part of the meeting in any official way. The Carringtons had nothing to do with it and it was an Aghayan matter. Samson sat next to the girls, taking his position as their lawyer and advisor.

Samson took over the keyboard and in the next moment, the faces of eight people appeared on the screen, looking at them with interest in their eyes. Sienna forced herself to sit straighter and planted a small smile on her face.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,” Samson started the meeting, greeting everyone. “Thank you for joining us today on such short notice. I finally have the pleasure to introduce you to the new owners and leaders of our company, Miss Sienna Ryder and Miss Tina Remington.”

“I think I’d prefer to stick with Ryder as well,” Tina interjected and shared a small smile with Sienna.

“Right, apologies. Miss Tina Ryder,” Samson said, correcting himself. He proceeded to name the people on the screen, but Sienna didn’t plan on remembering their names.

The call didn’t last long and the only new thing that wasn’t mentioned in the email was when one of the older gentlemen suggested that they should build more oil platforms. Oil was a hot commodity right now and it was in their interest to be the best provider. Sienna and Tina agreed with him, and Samson promised that steps would be taken to move things in the right direction.

Before the call had finished, Sienna and Tina signed the contract Samson had prepared so the collaboration with the investors could proceed without unnecessary delays. The meeting wasn’t anything special in itself, but it was the first truly grown up thing Sienna had participated in. She liked the feeling of power and control it gave her.

“Thank you for coming all the way here,” Samson said after he turned off the computer. “I’m going to need your help and full involvement to lead the company. I know you have other things in mind right now, but after that’s finished, I’d really appreciate it if you came to the office more often.”

“We will,” Sienna promised, and Tina nodded. Sienna suspected that Tina felt the same way about the sudden taste of independence and freedom. They wouldn’t lose it for anything in the world.

“It’s time for us to try and end this nightmare,” Sienna said and exchanged glances with the Carrington heirs. They all wore somber expressions on their faces, looking uneasy about what was about to come. There were a lot more scenarios where their plan could go wrong, but if there was at least one chance that they could get rid of Kyle, Sienna had to take it. She didn’t care how small the chance was because her desire to have her life back was bigger than anything else.

The elevator took them to the ground floor and if Kyle didn’t attack before, they were sure that he would make his move now. Sienna took a deep breath, then followed Aiden out of the front door.

The sun blinded her eyes and all she could see was a dark silhouette walking toward her with their hand up, aiming something her way. Her heart started banging against her chest, going faster and faster when her Carrington heirs didn’t react. It was too late. She was going to die.


Asuddenflashfurtherblinded her, but no sound of a gunshot followed. Sienna’s vision cleared and at last, she could see what was the cause of her rising panic. Across the street was a group of paparazzi with cameras aimed at her. After everything that happened, Sienna was a bit of a celebrity, and they wanted a picture. She was sure the ones that they managed to take before the Carrington heirs got her into the Dodge Durango safely weren't showing her in the best of light.

“Where the fuck is he?” Sienna hissed, frustrated with herself for freezing when seeing the reporters. “Why didn’t he show up?”

“I don’t know,” Jensen replied, his eyes glued on the windows, searching for a threat they were all expecting.

Kyle never appeared. He didn’t resurface nor did he send anyone else to carry on the attack. Sienna had no idea what to think about it and judging by the Carrington heirs’ distress, they were just as much in the dark as she was.

A phone rang and next to Sienna, Jensen reached into his pocket, pulling it out, then frowned. It wasn’t his phone that was ringing.
