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“How are things with my brother?” Sienna asked Adrianna, taking one last opportunity to fish for details.

Adrianna’s lips twitched, but she kept her mouth from forming a smile. Although there was nothing that could be done with a little spark of happiness burning in her eyes.

“He’s such a gentleman,” her best friend confided in a low voice. “I knew that he wasn’t as bad as he wanted everyone to think at the beginning and I’m really glad I decided to stick around. It was definitely worth it. He’s very good at everything, but…”

Adrianna trailed off and looked away, avoiding Sienna’s eyes. Her sudden change got Sienna’s attention and she wanted to know more. She also knew that Adrianna knew how to keep her mouth shut, but the fact that she reeled the conversation in that direction in the first place meant that she wanted to talk about it but didn’t know how.

“What is it?” Sienna asked, then grinned when she realized what was going on with her friend. “You’re shy!”

“I’m not,” Adrianna insisted, but she argued too fast, and Sienna could see the lie written clearly on her face.

“Come on, Ade,” Sienna pushed. “It’s me. Am I your best friend or not?”

“You are,” Adrianna agreed, but still refused to meet Sienna’s eyes.

“What’s going on with my brother?”

Adrianna sighed, but Sienna could see that she only pretended it was hard for her to say it when in reality it must’ve been killing her from the inside. The moment Adrianna started speaking, she met Sienna’s eyes and talked with so much eagerness and normality as if they were talking about the weather.

“The thing is that I haven’t slept with him yet,” Adrianna said, then frowned at Sienna’s open mouth reaction. “I know, I know. It’s just that I guess I’m scared.”

“Scared?” Sienna asked, repeating Adrianna’s words. She furrowed her brows and concentrated on the conversation. She truly wanted to help Adrianna and her brother. “What are you scared of Ade?”

Adrianna sighed, her eyes looking sad. “I’ve been with a lot of guys. It’s a part of the Carrington code of honor to fish around until you find who you’re looking for and willing to settle with. The problem is that the Lockwoods think differently and yes, I did tell Angel about my past, but I’m still worried that once we have sex, he won’t look at me the same way. What if he starts treating me like another slut in a whorehouse or something? I’m scared that he’ll change with me. I love him, Sienna, and I don’t want to lose him. I’m pretty sure that he might be the one, but what if once we have sex things change?”

Sienna zipped her black mourning dress before stepping up to Adrianna and pulling her into a hug. “Sooner or later you’re going to have to take a leap of faith and trust him. If he really is the one, then he’ll treat you even better than before. But if he isn’t the one, isn’t it better to know sooner rather than later?”

“I suppose,” Adrianna agreed, but she didn’t sound too convinced.

“Have you talked to Angel about this?”


“You should,” Sienna told her friend. “He’s a good guy. A much better person than he lets anyone believe. You said so yourself. Give him a chance to show you that he’s worth the risk and he’ll do the same for you. I’m rooting for you guys.”

“I will,” Adrianna promised, her voice sounding stronger. “Thanks, S. I’m going to miss you so much.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Sienna said soothingly and rubbed Adrianna’s back. “I’m only a phone call away. Besides, we’ll see each other often enough. Whether you end up with my brother or not, you’ll always be my family. I want you to know that whatever happens, you’ll always have a place in my household and my company as an equal member of the family. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you and I’ll never forget that.”

“You’re too kind for your own good,” Adrianna said and even though she tried to sound teasing, Sienna could hear in the slight tremble of her voice just how touched she was.

A knock on the door brought them back to the reality. Adrianna gave her a small smile, then went to open the door. Jensen, Jaxon, and Xavier walked in, looking very handsome and professional in their black designer suits. They were quite a sight for sore eyes, but Sienna couldn’t ignore the feeling of hurt at the painful reminder that one member was missing. While the three of them looked comfortable and used to the fine clothes, Aiden was always the one who was fidgeting around and playing with his sleeves.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we should go now. It’s almost time,” Jensen said and offered her a small smile that only made his handsome face looking a lot more tired. The bags under his eyes were growing darker and bigger by the day.

Because of Kyle’s fuck up and Mr. Carrington’s death, Jensen had to step up to the plate and deal with a lot of things. It wasn’t helping that his right hand was in the hospital. Aiden’s life-threatening injury have taken a toll on all of them, but at least he seemed to be doing better. That didn’t change the fact of where they were headed right now.

“It’s okay, we’re ready,” Sienna said and hooked her arm through Jensen’s.

Adrianna did the same with Jaxon and for once, she didn’t seem like she was pinning after him anymore. The girl was more in love with Angel than she had thought. Sienna was happy about it, because she knew that Jaxon would never feel that way about her. He was a free spirit and she doubted that anyone would be able to tie him down.

The three Carrington heirs escorted Sienna and Adrianna to the garage where a new set of cars was parked. Jaxon went shopping a couple of days earlier, replacing their blown-up ones with a brand new collection. Xavier did a lot around the compound, taking care of the constructions and renovations. Jensen was the one who had the hardest job, because he had to do damage control by talking to people and reassure them that everything would be okay.

“Did you get the last of your test results?” Jensen asked, trying and failing to disguise the worry in his voice.

“Yeah, actually, I got off the phone with my doctor a couple of hours ago. He cleared me on all accounts and gave me a full bill of health. He did warn me to keep away from fights,” she joked, but Jensen wasn’t amused by it.

“I’m really glad to hear that,” he told her, sounding relieved. He gave her hand a comforting squeeze before letting go to open the car door.
