Page 22 of Marco DeLuca

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“Promise me something.”

“What’s that?”

“You’ll remember how you felt when the two of you were together. When you do, be honest about whether you have even a fraction of that with Kenneth.”

My mind takes a tour down a dangerous and dark path.

Eight years ago, I pushed the love of my life away. I knew he was in an arranged marriage from our first meeting.

Not trying to eavesdrop on a private conversation, I’d been exposed to the DeLuca family business unwittingly. An argument between my boss, Alessandro DeLuca, and his older brother, Marco, alerted me to the elder brother’s unhappy arranged marriage.

At the time, he was seeking a way out of it and Alessandro was laying out all the “whys” he should remain in the marriage, not the least of which, was his loyalty to the family and to the vows he made. It sickened me to hear that, but I was a lowly waitress at the time and had no business overhearing what I did.

When Alessandro finished his phone conversation which he’d had on speakerphone, he stepped into the private dining area connected to his office where I’d been setting up his dinner.

It didn’t seem to bother him that I’d been in there, and he’d carried on as though he didn’t see me. It wasn’t until later that night when the restaurant was closing that I met Marco. The introduction was brief, but he’d stared at me long after my boss had changed conversations effectively shutting me out as though I were another shadow in the room.

When Marco spotted me an hour later at the bus stop on the corner in the dark, he’d had the driver pull over. After insisting that I accept his ride home several times, I conceded.

Marco was in town for a month on business, and during that month, he’d come into the restaurant whenever I was working. He would wait until I got off work and insist on taking me home until it became routine. I’d gotten to know him, and I fell in love. We’d had sex six nights after our initial meeting, and I was hooked from that point on. He told me even more about his marriage and didn’t withhold anything.

Whenever he left the country, he would only be away for a few weeks before returning for one or two weeks to spend time with me. Sometimes, we’d stay at my place. Other times, we’d stay at one of the exclusiveBlackhotels the entire time he was in town.

Those were the best two years of my life until I realized how much I had lost myself to him. That day, I ended the relationship abruptly. The ending of our relationship shortly after that began a renewed friendship with Kenneth. He was there for me while I nursed my broken heart.

Kenneth was a great friend while I cried over another man. He was patient, kind, reassuring, and always giving me a shoulder to lean on. He was so sweet that although he knew I was upset about another man, he never questioned the “who” or the “what.”

Being with Kenneth was different than being with Marco. None of the excitement or headiness I’d experienced with Marco was there, but he gave me a sense of stability and security. Everything that I needed to overcome my broken heart Kenneth gave to me without thinking twice.

I was forever grateful for his role in helping me get over Marco DeLuca. No matter what our future might bring, I owed him my gratitude.


“Just for tonight,”she begs, rubbing her hand between her legs.

“I need to go, Serena. It’s late. We can do this again tomorrow night, no?”
