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“I’ve definitely tried to lean into this experience,” I admit to Wyatt.

This entire retreat started as a joke. Or revenge against my team. But I’ve enjoyed sleeping under the stars. Getting my hands dirty. And doing things that I never imagined would be possible.

We all ride single file through the narrow clearing through the forest. It’s beautiful; the way the sun escapes into small rays of light through the top of the trees. Frankie, the cattle dog, keeps all the cows in line, but members of LivFit contribute as well. I’m surprised at how much some of them have embraced this retreat. Especially Eddie. He’s right up there, yelling at the cows and keeping them moving forward in somewhat of a straight line. That is no small feat. I wouldn’t have pegged Eddie as someone who would step up and rise to the occasion.

The shade through the forest is a welcome change. Today is already gearing up to be a hot one, and the break from the sun is needed. When we get through the trees, the path widens, and Luca slows Lucy down to nearly a stop until our horses are next to each other.

“When’s the next stop?” I ask Luca. One hand tightens on the rein and the other tucks a strand of hair behind my eyes.

“We’re getting close. It’s all downhill from here and then in another couple of miles, we’ll reach a flat spot at the bottom of the hill, and that is where we’ll call home for the evening.”

I drop both reins to clap my hands together. Jasper looks up at me confused, but then I grip them once again.

“Good. I’ve got another fun game planned for when we stop,” I say, unable to hide my excitement.

Luca rolls his eyes. He doesn’t hide how he feels about these corporate retreat games.

“What’s with you and all of these games?” he asks.

I smirk in Luca’s direction. “I think you’ll definitely want to participate in this one, Luca. You could use some practice in this area.”

I laugh, as I bring Jasper to a gallop, and speed up ahead of Luca.


“Okay, the next event we’regoing to do is lasso the horse, but actually, it’s just the tree stump over there. We’re going to break into two teams, and once someone gets the rope around the stump, you have to race down, collect the rope, and pass it to the next teammate.” Jack stands up tall as she explains the rules to everyone.

She glances in my direction, as I tie the calf to the tree. “Are you in, Luca?” I like how my name rolls off of her lips, and how she elongates the U in my name.

“I think I’ll sit this one out and observe,” I say, patting the calf on top of the head. Just wait until she sees what we have planned with the calf.

I think I see disappointment, but Jack stands next to Bruce, and they start counting teams into two. I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one trip. There’s no way I want to botch the art of lassoing again.

The teams line up, and Jack once again glances in my direction. “Perhaps before we get started, we can have a real-life cowboy do a demonstration on how to properly lasso.”

I roll my eyes and bark a laugh, but then I realize Jack is serious. She tosses me the rope, and I create a Honda knot, the kind I’ve tied a thousand of times before. Then, I take the second rope and do the same thing and toss them back in her direction. She is putting me on the spot. She wants me to fail.

But Jack lobs the rope back to me as if we were playing Hot Potato. She juts a hip and plants her fist on it. “We need a demonstration, cowboy.” Jack winks at me, and if I’m not mistaken, she sounds a little flirty.

I hold the rope in my left hand and swing the other rope with my right. “Wyatt would be much better at this. He grew up doing it.”

Wyatt smirks. “No way,cowboy,this is all you. Besides, I need to check in with Emma.” He claps me on the shoulder as he effectively exits stage left.

“Alright, folks,” I begin. “Let’s forget about everything that happened yesterday so you can watch how to properly lasso a cow.”

The group laughs, and I realize no one is making fun of me. Sometimes we hit the mark. Sometimes we don’t.

“The important thing is after the release, follow through with your dominant hand.”

I release the rope, and it sails through the air to land precisely with the stump at its center. I’ve roped cows from Jasper’s back as they ran away, but I’ve never been this nervous doing such a simple act. All eyes are on me. Especially a pair of brown eyes that I’m desperate to forget but can’t seem to stop thinking about.

The teams line up and they’re ready to start. Jack does a count down, and when she yells go, the mood is frantic. The first two flail and end up with the ropes on the ground at their feet several times before they get it to rotate in the air. Even then, it takes them several tries to get one of the ropes to touch the stump. The mood is lively. Their skills leave a lot to be desired, but everyone is smiling and laughing, which is the entire point of this.

The first person finally finds success and runs the twenty-five yards to the tree stump, removes the rope, and sprints back to the team. The second team does the same, and the second players are up.

“Let’s go, team,” Jack yells. I never would have pegged her as a joiner, but she seems in her element.

When it’s her time to go, I’m surprised at her lassoing technique. She isn’t half bad. After about four tries, she gets the rope around the tree and sprints ahead.
