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I frowned, not saying a word.

“We should have gotten you the briefs. I knew Peggy would be a brief woman, not a boxer woman,” she said, shaking her head. “Next time, you just need to trust me and go with my gut. If you had mentioned you may go all the way, I would have insisted.”

“Please, just stop. This has nothing to do with underwear. Besides, the goings on in my bedroom are none of your concern. Let’s get that straight right now.”

Her cheeks reddened. “Got it.”

I watched my daughter, her eyes falling to the plate in front of her. “Sorry,” I bit out. “I know you’re only trying to help.”

“Dad, what is it? I mean, you look… devastated.” Melinda took a bite of the cinnamon bun and licked the icing from her lips.

“I messed up.”


I looked at my daughter and shook my head. Did she think getting to know someone was easy? It was for kids their age; they had the internet. Dating apps. Hell, I heard some things the guys did while away on leave. Most things I wouldn’t have done with my wife. It was almost as if their actions didn’t have consequences. “Yes, again. This dating business is for the birds.”

“What happened? You weren’t really going on a date. You were going car shopping.”

“Yes, to us old people, that could be considered a date.”

Melinda smiled at me. “Okay so, what did you do?”

I shrugged. “Beats the hell out of me. Peggy told me about her car in her letters, that it needed repairs. She mentioned she may need a new one even. When I picked her up the other night, she told me it was making a horrible noise, and when we drove out yesterday, I heard it. I knew just by looking at it, she was right to think she needed a new one. So, I mentioned it to her while we were shopping yesterday that perhaps we could find her a car while there, perhaps get a package deal, and she blew up on me.”

Melinda flinched. A knowing look came over her face as she nodded her head. “I see.”

“You see what?”

Melinda was quiet for a moment. I could tell she was holding something back from me. I wasn’t certain what it was, but I wanted to know.

“Are you going to sit there looking like you’re holding onto the world’s biggest secret, or are you going to talk to your old man and tell him what it is he’s done? I mean, all I did was care.”

“Oh, Dad. It’s really not my place, but just know you didn’t really do anything wrong. It’s more the subject of what you were suggesting that caused the issue.”

I looked at my daughter with confusion. What did she mean by that? I cleared my throat. “I’m asking you, aren’t I? Peggy sure as hell won’t tell me. She’s probably never going to speak to me again, and here you are speaking in some sort of woman code.”

Melinda laughed. “Oh, Dad. Peggy isn’t like that. It’s just, I’m not the right person to ask. I don’t want to get something wrong. If you want to find out, and don’t want to ask Peggy, then I suggest you ask Trinity. She is, after all, her best friend.”

“As in bookstore Trinity?”

Melinda nodded. “I’m sure she will be in here any minute. She and Peggy normally meet up on Tuesday mornings for breakfast. Although they are rather late this morning,” she said, looking at her watch. “Perhaps they aren’t meeting today. It’s rare, but sometimes happens.”

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea that she sees me here,” I said, shoving the rest of the bun into my mouth.

“Dad, seriously, Peggy really isn’t like that. I’d be shocked if she wouldn’t speak to you. Just wait and see what happens.”

I’d taken Melinda’s advice and waited at The Crispy Biscuit, but by the time 10 rolled around, I’d given up hope that either of them would come in. Instead, I paid my bill and drove down to the bookstore. It pleasantly surprised me to find the place empty. It would make having this conversation a little easier. I didn’t want to be talking in front of others about such a private matter. Trinity was working behind the counter when I entered. The little bells jingled as I walked in.

Trinity looked up from the book she was reading, a smile spreading across her face. “Hey, Ethan.”

“Hey. Good morning.”

“Morning. Beautiful day out today. What can I help you find today?” she asked, placing her book on the counter. “Thomas just finished another one of those political thrillers you like.”

I said nothing. I felt completely out of place just asking her about the situation with Peggy. Instead, I glanced over to the shelf of true crime, about to ask her if she carried a certain author, when she cleared her throat.

“It’s okay, Ethan. I can see you’re uncomfortable. I was only trying to break the ice a bit.” She smiled. “Melinda already called. Why don’t you take a seat?” she said, nodding to one of the large wingback chairs.
