Page 112 of Hollywood Comes Home

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“How do you know my bodyguard’s real name?” I lifted a brow.

He shrugged, taking a deep drag. “I know lots of shit.” He laughed, shaking the joint toward my hip. “I also know your crazy ass wasn’t in no car accident.” He turned his focus to Amber. “And hello to you, gorgeous. I’m Lu–”

Amber shifted nervously as I cleared my throat. “She knows who you are.” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees, trying my best not to wince. “I was in a car accident.”

He laughed, passing me his smoke. I waved it off, declining. He tried to give it to Amber. I stretched my hand out, stopping him, shaking my head.

“My bad.” He chuckled again. “And, no, you weren’t. People talk.”

“What people?” I sat up.

“People, man, don’t ask me shit, alright? But I know you were shot.”

“You don’t know anything.” I scoffed. “I was in an acciden—”

“Hardwin, chill.” He lifted his hand. “Mussolini’s involved, yeah? Knight killed big daddy and the crybaby bitch, abandoned son is pissed. Am I ‘bout right?”

Eyes widened, I froze.How the hell does he know?

“Relax,” he leaned forward, “I can see the anxiety in your eyes. My family hates that fucking family. Knight did us a favor taking out Bernardo and that conceited dipshit, Roman.”

Now smirking, I bowed my head, still nervous to speak. I knew better than to admit anything. I didn’t think Luca would trick me, but I wasn’t taking any chances. Ian trusted me and my loyalty was with him.

“One of Alejandro’sguysis one of our spies.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Agitated, I cocked my head.

“I want to help Knight’s fam.” He took two puffs from the joint.

“What are you going to do? Serenade somebody to death?” Immediately, I regretted joking with the son of a Sicilian Mafia boss.

“Well, at least you’re back to being yourself.” He snorted, extinguishing the smoke in the ashtray.

“Why did you want to see me, exactly?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about me?”

Remaining silent, I bowed my head once. “But I don’t believe everything I read.”

“But you believe this. I can see it in your eyes. Listen,” he leaned back, rolling his bottom lip between his fingers, “my family will help you guys take that asshole down. We heard he went missing after the warehouse bullshit.”

“That isn’t up to me.” I shrugged my shoulder.

“Will your boss meet with my father and uncle?”

“Ian?” My eyes widened.

He nodded lazily.

“Ian isn’t my boss, but I’ll find a way to ask him, I guess.”

“You’re definitely involved with Ian’s business somehow. And it would mean an end to a very menacing bloodline.”

Shaking my head, “I’ll see what I can do, I guess. How do I know this isn’t a set-up?”

Standing, he marched to a yellow and black duffle bag. Reaching behind my back, I hovered my hand over the gun in my waistband. The moment he turned around with an envelope, I yanked my hand away, resting my palm on my leg.

“Don’t even think about pulling a gun on me.” He sneered. “I will take both you and your girl out.” He nodded to Amber, then tossed the white rectangular envelope in my lap. “There.”
