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I cradled her neck in my arms, propping her head in my lap. My knees dug further into the uneven asphalt. There was no way we could leave. We were stuck. Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I huddled over her, checking for injuries subtly as best as I could.

I located many gashes or stab wounds. When I sat up to check her pulse, I saw her eyes staring up at me again. I panicked, but she blinked sluggishly while trying to move her mouth. Shaking my head, I tried my best to silence her.

“Why are you on my property?!” Ian suddenly yelled.

Startled, I jumped, peeking up at Chance. His gaze darted down at me but only for a split second. Very few streetlights illuminated the outline of his tense jaw. He was livid I was here.

“I asked you a fucking question!” Ian shouted once again, drawing his attention away. “Why the fuck are you on my property?!”

“We came here to warn you.”

“Hurting one of my employees isn’t warning me,” Ian spat. “It’s provoking me.”

“That girl on the ground is just the beginning, Knight.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Now, Ian’s tone was disturbing. I’d seen him mad, but I’d never heard… that.

“The next time you kill someone, make sure you kill off the entire line!”

Cradling Roxy tighter to shield her, I peeked up to see one of the guys moving toward us. It was hard to make out their appearances because they were still hidden in the shadows, but they were both tall, dressed in all black with hoods pulled over their heads. The one on the right wore a baseball cap under his.

Chance took a step closer to me, making sure his leg was against my arm. Luke and Tyler closed the gaps on the side while Nico and Ice Man put themselves in front of Ian. Roxy and I were boxed in.

“We’re not here to hurt you. We’re here to give you a message.”

“What message?!” Tyler yelled.

“Watch your club, Knight. All you… watch your backs. Watch your women and children. The Mussolini family isn’t finished with you or anyone you love. Someone is always the successor of the King, right?”

“Your King can suck my fucking cock!” Chance snapped, taking a step around me toward them.

Luke threw out his arm, his palm landing on Chance’s chest with a thud.

“You might want to get the little girl to the hospital. She looks, uh,” the guy on the right leaned forward, trying his best to look, “almost dead. And Chance Hardwin?” He clapped slowly. “You have the absolute nerve even showing back up in Boston after embarrassing yourself all over TV. Your career is fucking ove—”


Three loud shots rang out around my head, and I slumped over Roxy, hanging on to her torso as I wailed. Unsure of what happened or who was hurt, I just wanted to protect her. In an instant, a hand grabbed at me.

“Baby,” Chance pried me off her, “I love you, but we have to get her to the hospital.”

Squinting up through my tears, I blinked the wetness away, confused. “What?”

Nico squatted, cradling Roxy under her neck and knees. “Those guys are dead. We have to go. Roxy, hang on. We’re going to get you to the hospital as soon as possible.” He turned to me. “Can you ride with us and help stabilize her?”

I glanced at Ian and Chance, desperately seeking permission.

Chance turned to Ian. “I’ll go with them.”

I dashed to the other side of the Jeep, my legs almost giving out from being bent for so long. I stepped up, helping Nico slide her into the back seat. She groaned in agony, mumbling something.

“It’s okay.” I rested my hand on her forehead. “Tell me at the hospital. Just rest, please.”

Chance leapt into the driver’s seat and Nico closed the back door before jumping into the front passenger’s side. Quickly, I slammed my door, embracing Roxy’s head in my lap. I looked back at the parking lot to see Ian on the phone as we sped away. Roxy twitched, her hand lifted before falling onto my arm.

“What’s wrong?”

“Lem… on,” she slurred through weak breaths.
