Page 36 of Halo

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Victor hitched him closer, letting Oliver’s own thick, panty-covered cock brush against his own. He’d never been so turned on in his life. “Aim higher, beautiful.”

Oliver’s skin burned where Victor was touching it. His cheeks were a vibrant red. “Ten thousand.”

“Better.” Victor leaned in and let his lips trace Oliver’s collarbone, waiting to feel any reluctance or hesitation. But Oliver just melted into him. “Try fifteen.”

“I can’t—”

“You can,” Victor said. “Because I want you. All of you. For this week. I want you to be mine. I want to tuck you into my arms at night and wake up to those gorgeous eyes in the morning. I want to pretend like the end of the week isn’t looming over us.”

Oliver made a soft, needy noise and curled his fingers into Victor’s wet shirt. “Yes.”

He pulled back. “Reach over to your right and give me my phone.”

Oliver frowned, but he did as Victor asked, fishing it from the bunched-up duvet. He pulled up his apps, opened his account, then the tab for transfers. Taking a breath, he told himself this was the only way he could have what he wanted. The only way to protect them both.

“Put your information in,” he said.

Oliver took the phone and stared at the screen for so long Victor thought he might refuse him. He took the time to just stare—to take in the glow of Oliver’s hair, and the wide expanse of his pale skin, and the dark rivers of his eyes.

“Thank you, angel,” he whispered.

Oliver made a soft noise in the back of his throat, and then his fingers moved on the screen. When he handed it back, Victor added it into his contacts, then immediately transferred him the first payment before setting a recurring option for every single day that week.

“You’re going to ruin me,” Oliver said as Victor dropped his phone.

“I won’t.” Victor curled the fingers of one hand into Oliver’s hip, the other lifting to cup his chin. He kept their gazes locked. “You’re the most beautiful, clever, fantastic person I have ever met. You’re going to change the world. A man like me could never touch that. You will never be ruined.”

Oliver let out a pained laugh as he grabbed Victor by the wrist, turned his hand, and nuzzled into his palm. “I don’t want to change the world, darling. I just want to be happy.”

Victor’s chest ached. He wanted to make promises he didn’t trust himself to keep. Instead, he pulled Oliver into a kiss and, in that moment, tasted heaven.


Fuck,it had been so long since anyone had touched him. Victor’s head was spinning as Oliver laid him out on the bed and began to drag sharp teeth over his collarbone. Usually, sex was a chore. It was something he did out of obligation. The few times he was properly turned on, he rooted himself in a fantasy because being in the moment with Alice felt shallow and empty.

She never looked him in the eye.

She never touched him.

She was always on the bottom, always on her stomach so she didn’t have to see his face. He should have known something was wrong from that alone, but sex had never really been good for him. Now he was with a man. And not just any man. He was with one of the most gorgeous men he had ever laid eyes on. A man who looked at Victor like he was worth something.

He never thought it could be like this. Ever. And it was almost too much.

“Angel,” he gasped as Oliver began to kiss lower. His hands twisted in the blankets, unsure where he could touch or what he was allowed to ask for. Oliver’s body was so different. He was graceful and thin, but he had hard edges and rough hands that were nothing like any of Victor’s past lovers.

It was everything and nothing like he imagined, and that alone was driving him to the edge of control.

Oliver stopped, propping his chin up on Victor’s chest. His stomach was putting pressure on Victor’s rock-hard dick, and it was driving him wild. He was so close, but he was too ashamed to admit it. “Tell me what you need, sweetheart.”

Victor closed his eyes and shifted his hips. “I don’t—I’m not going to last long. And I really want to come.”

Oliver took a deep breath and let it out before laying a wet, messy kiss to Victor’s sternum. “I want that too, pretty boy, but I don’t have condoms.

Victor groaned. “Neither do I.”

“I get tested once a week, but considering what I do,” Oliver said, “I can’t take any sort of risk.”
