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The word was firm and loud, cutting off the conversation with an authority that only their eldest sister could wield. Sapphire strode over, her steely expression holding their attention. Then Pearl appeared behind her and Ruby glowered at her.

“Both of you, get ahold of yourselves,” Sapphire snapped. “You know what day it is and how you shouldn’t be fighting like this. And you are late.”

“I’m sorry,” Ruby bit out. “I was running around with Maddox to find the culprit of the latest burningandpacifying a kid who is stuck in the forest and terrified.”

Their eldest sister sighed and nodded in understanding.

“The net wasn’t a good idea. It was born out of panic and the necessity to keep it all under wraps.”

“He didn’t need it.”

“He didn’t need it,” Sapphire admitted. “But what’s done is done, and we have to move forward.”


“I mean it, Ruby. Move forward. We need you tonight, fully focused and able to support us. I promise you things will get better for the boy if we are successful with this. Can you do that? Can you focus?”

Silence. But the words hit Ruby in the heart and made her understand that Sapphire was right. It broke through her frustration, soothing her with the knowledge that soon, Moon wouldn’t have to hide—and she, her sisters, and Maddox wouldn’t have to get hurt any longer.

Sapphire wasn’t done, turning to the rest of the group.

“I don’t mean just Ruby. I mean all four of us. No fighting. No petty arguments and wasting our magic like that anymore. This is our only chance, and you will regret this if you don’t do your best tonight. Please. Keep it all under control or I swear to heavens that I am going to punch every one of you.”

The last statement had all three gaping at their sister, who stalked off and slammed the door on her way back inside the cottage. They stood there awkwardly, unsure what to say, but it was Pearl who cleared her throat and broke the ice.

“I like Moon. I will fight for his chance to stay here when the time comes. But it’s up to us to give him that chance. It all starts with Silver. Tonight.”

There was a long pause. Emerald opened her mouth, shut it, and whirled on Ruby.

“I didn’t know he was terrified. He is good at showing a brave face, so how should I know? I would never knowingly scare a child.”

The blonde stalked off, too, and left the two behind. Pearl sighed.


“You shouldn’t have told them.”

“I know. But it was us or the warlock patrol.”

Ruby shuddered, picturing the scenario if the patrol had gotten to Moon first. It would not have been pretty. It gave Pearl more leeway in her eyes, and she decided to let it go.

“You could have looked for me first. But whatever. It’s done, and he is alive.”

“He is. He will be. And about Em…”

“As Saph said, let’s focus on tonight,” Ruby said firmly before Pearl could play mediator, not quite ready to forgive her other sister yet. Pearl seemed to get it as she dropped the topic and shrugged. “We only have a few hours until sunset. Where do we wait?”

They ended up waiting inside the cottage, with Emerald going back out to avoid them. The hours flew by quickly and the sun was down before she knew it, prompting all three to stroll back outside, where Emerald had finished the painting of mountains and the sunset. Pearl stood in between them while Sapphire circled the yard and poured multicolored potions all over. They watched the sheen form, more subtle than Brian’s, but its energy more vibrant.

“You all know your lines and positions. Get ready. We start the moment the moon makes its appearance.”

They didn’t have to wait long as the moon shone from between layers of clouds, brighter than it had ever been in its full form. The four formed a circle, drew markers behind them, and let their energy seep in until their circle became a glow. The glow grew larger, but the sheen Sapphire had made ensured only they would see and experience what was next to come.

When the moon turned shadowy, they joined hands. When it grew red as was predicted tonight, they chanted in low voices, letting the words come from their hearts as they called out and imagined a face in their heads. Her energy, waiting for this moment, let itself flow freely until Ruby felt raw with it and as bright as the moon. She basked in her magic, all the missing of it and the frustration that came with it finally disappearing.

Their magic combined, another thing that had been predicted. But the smooth melding took its time as two of the energies combined first while the other two were resistant. She recognized Emerald’s, as green as her eyes, and felt the mixture of emotions that came from her uptight sister. Then she recognized hers, pulsing with resentment and impatience.
