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“Yes. Sleeping. What is this that you are communicating with?”

“A calling potion. It’s the Otherworld equivalent of a telephone. We heard humans have those fancy devices. About Ruby…”

“Don’t worry. Give her time.”

“Okay. Please make sure she doesn’t leave.”

“I will keep an eye on her, as I promised.”

The betrayal hit her softer than her sisters’ rejection did, but the pain was a thousand times worse. She stumbled back, her vision dimming as she realized the one person she trusted would probably return to the bedroom as if nothing had happened. Desperate to escape, she eyed the small window above the bed, wondering if she would fit in. Then Ruby was hefting herself up and over it until she fell to the grass on the other side.

She didn’t stop to look back, already running away as fast as her feet could carry her. Her pulse beat hard, and the betrayal sank into her soul until it felt like it was dying. She bit back her scream, feeling so unreasonably furious that it bordered on pain. Then the pain spread, starting from her chest and spreading everywhere until she was curled on the ground and whimpering.

Something was happening inside her, the nightmare reoccurring every night and seeping into reality, starting with the black wisps. She recalled the creature named Milos, shriveled into an unrecognizable state, then tried to remember the dead animals in the forest. She recalled Ollie, who she had taken down with one hit, then tried to search for a bit of regret and compassion inside her for what she had done. But Ruby found none. All she found was that boiling anger refusing to back down now, especially after what she had heard.

“I love him,” she whispered to the air.

He doesn’t love you. He loves someone dead. You are a temporary source of sexual enjoyment.

“He cares about me.”

Not as much as he cares about his reputation. Forget him.

She whimpered once more.

Forge your path. Don’t be swayed. I will take away your pain.

A part of her wall crumbled, and her magic seeped in, reaching into the depths of her being instead of spreading out. Like invisible strings, it tugged at her pain until bits and pieces went away, leaving her awed. Ruby opened herself up a little more until more was taken away, and she could breathe a little easier.

Forge your path. You can do it. Show them what they are missing. Make them regret everything they have said and done.

The mantra was like a lullaby in her head, taking her to a place of utmost peace. She stood up slowly, dusted herself off, and walked some more until she was in one of the island’s most isolated areas, where the cliff was high and the waves were violent. Ruby looked up at the full moon, her mouth opening in astonishment when she saw it was still red.

Forge your path. Hurry.

It wasn’t too late. Her sisters might have made a mistake, but she wasn’t going to—not when it came to her brother.

Every other emotion inside her was silenced as the magic came to the forefront, eagerly helping her as promised. She embraced the glorious feeling, then released it in one go until a glow had formed around her. The strong, powerful gush had tremors wracking her up, but she locked her knees in place and lifted her arms in the air to direct some of it there. Then she envisioned an image in her head, unwavering until she felt like the red moon, her magical glow, and the image were all connected as one.

The background changed. Her world changed, the cliff and ocean falling away as rocks and smoke surrounded her from every direction. Ruby looked around warily, studying every visible crevice but not moving from her spot. That didn’t last long as she did eventually move, pleased when the circular glow went with her. She paused at the holes in the ground where the smoke was coming from, then peered at the random pockets of lava where rare-looking crystals winked at the edges. It was quiet and even picturesque at first, her exploration undisturbed. Then figures appeared in her line of vision the further she went, and the smell of death became prominent in the air. She saw bodies twisted in the craziest angles and body parts missing.

She saw Silver, lying on the ground and a shriveled-up version of his old, vibrant self.

Chapter 13

“She is not herself.”

Pearl’s voice was heavily laced with worry, a far cry from the mildness of it when they had last met up on Helga’s property.

“I know. I felt it.”

“She killed Milos. We suspect she killed the other creatures, too, but couldn’t remember it. They had the same burn marks, except Milos’ was far worse.”

“You have to do something about that.”

“Sapphire will handle it. She will talk to Helga. Emerald can’t go out looking for Ruby because she will probably attack Em at first glance. So, it’s just you and me.”

“We spread around,” he said firmly. “We find her and get her back, either to my house or yours.”
