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“Then I guess we’re even.”

The man sat up and went to a separate table, eyeing them from time to time but mostly focusing on his food. Klaus sensed the resentment, but it wasn’t strong enough to cause worry. Sapphire, in the meantime, looked at her dessert plate and didn’t touch it, her body still quivering.

“He’s a tiger shifter and a vampire on his mother’s side and a warlock on his father’s side,” he began to explain, then stopped when she took his hand and threw it away. Her gaze snapped to his but her voice remained low.

“I’m not offended that he offered you another woman,” she clarified.


“I’m offended that he talked about the woman like she’s a piece of meat to be sold to his liking and not a member of his clan—an underage one at that.”

“I know.”

“Then there are the sex slaves he offered to you, and you didn’t bat an eye.”

“I know.”

“Then why would you side with a man like him?”

“Because I killed his daughter by accident and owe him, and he knows every connection there is in the Otherworld and would destroy me if I broke the deal.”

“A deal?” Confusion swirled. Then it cleared and comprehension dawned. “Pact. You made a magical pact with him.”

“He manipulated it out of me,” he admitted reluctantly, not liking to reveal that side of his relationship with a repugnant man. Sapphire was quiet again.

“What happens if you try to get out of it?” she asked.

“The death of many, including his clan and my people. He’s...bloodthirsty, but he loves his clan and they are good folks who don’t deserve the wrath of magic. As for the slaves, I will check on it.” A pause. “We’ll be fine as long as we both stick to the pact.”

She didn’t respond. After some time, she broke the eye contact and glared in Gunther’s direction, then shifted her gaze before the man could see and refocused on her plate of sweets. The silent treatment went on until it was finally time for the ritual to commence, with women drawing more symbols on their faces and another toast directed their way.

Multiple chants and toasts later, it was time for the guests to leave. Sapphire didn’t bother with goodbyes, slipping out before he could stop her. Klaus stayed, left with no choice as he bid formal goodbyes and ensured every creature was escorted out of Oslo. After, he shifted and rechecked the island, just in case Gunther took it personally and doubled back. When he was done rechecking, he met with Bernard at the castle’s entrance.

“Everyone’s gone, including Gunther,” the man reported. “We have sealed off the island and their invitations have officially been withdrawn.”

“Good. Goodnight.”

He stalked off, his mind so muddled with roaring thoughts that he didn’t realize where he was going until he was standing in front of Sapphire’s bedroom door. Klaus raised a hand, then stopped before he could knock. He scowled and turned away, marching toward his bedroom and refusing to be like Gunther in any way. He would give her time until the end of the night and ask Belly to formally invite her to his room instead. For now, he would take a hot bath and rid himself of the day’s mood so he could face her with a clear head and—

“What are you doing here?”

Sapphire stood in his room, still in her wedding dress. Her expression looked anything but friendly.

“I’m trying to come to terms with everything you told me.”

Of course, she wouldn’t be over it. Klaus tried to ignore the fact that the woman who made him lose his composure was in his bedroom, still looking like a vision. She also looked like she wanted to rant.

“What’s the verdict?” he asked.

Oh, she was ready for that, her chin lifting. “I don’t like it. I don’t like that you ally yourself with a horrible creature and aren’t fazed over his disgusting ways. Even if you don’t approve of it, I don’t like that you pretend to do so just for the politics of it.”


“But I understand it. You would protect your people like Bernard and Miko and Belly from someone like that, as I would my family.”

His head snapped as he stared at her. It registered that her fury from earlier was gone and she was studying him with a sort of understanding that tightened his chest.

