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“I don’t get it. You fell for the girl, and surprisingly, she fell for you too. What’s the damn problem?”

“She lied to me.”

“Newsflash, bro. You lied to her too.”

I shake my head. “It’s not the same.”

He gets up from my couch, grabbing our empty beer bottles. “Actually, it is. A lie is a lie, no matter which way you try to spin it. You see, this is why I don’t bother with relationships. Makes people do the stupidest shit. You’d rather rot in your misery than suck it up and make things right.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

“Getting off the couch would be a start.”

Then what? Beg for forgiveness? Give her the opportunity to shred my heart again? She’s the one who should be begging, and even then, I don’t know that I can forgive her.


My grand opening is today, and it’s a great excuse to keep my mind off Robbie. It’s been weeks. Weeks since I’ve seen him smile. Weeks since I’ve felt his touch.

I poured myself into getting this place ready. Spent my days and nights here. Anything to keep my mind off him and how much I fucked up.

Candy says I should just apologize. But he owes me an apology, too. At least that’s what I tell myself. He claimed to love me but didn’t give me a chance to explain. He let me walk away.

I was wrong. So wrong. And admitting that is harder than I thought it would be.

So, I’ve closed off the world and put all my focus on one thing?and that isn’t my love life.

“We’re not open just yet!” I call out when I hear the bell on the door.

I head to the lobby, my step faltering when I see Robbie standing there. I fight the urge to run to him. To throw myself in his arms and beg for forgiveness. Would he accept my apology? Would he apologize too?

“The place looks great.”

“Um…thank you.”

“What the fuck am I doing?” he mumbles, shaking his head.

“I’m miserable without you,” I blurt out. “Yes, I wanted to break your heart. My sister was devastated, and I thought you were the cause of that. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“I should’ve told you about what happened between Candy and my father. I was ashamed to admit it, but I shouldn’t have kept that from you.”

“I need to accept that I can’t control her actions.”

“She isn’t the only one to blame. My father played his role. I think there was a small part of me that was afraid you were just like her.”

“I’m not her.”

“You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

I take a few steps toward him. “If we’d have been honest with each other from the start, none of this would’ve happened.”

“Or we would’ve never met, and I can’t stand the thought of that.”

“I’ve been stubborn and headstrong. I should’ve apologized weeks ago.”

He smirks, closing the distance between us and wraps his arms around me. “Yes, you should have. Now, we have weeks to make up for.”

I smile. “We don’t officially open for another hour. This place has several rooms that need christening.”
