Page 29 of Manik

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Eager as ever, she doesn’t make me ask twice and climbs onto the bed. I smirk, knowing the stains she’ll be lying on top of. I hope she smells Lexi’s perfume and I hope she fucking suffocates in it.

“Legs spread, arms above your head,” I instruct her.

I walk around the room and pick up my spare belt from my bag. Working quickly, I bind her wrists together and tie them to the headboard. Using the curtain ties, I bind her ankles to each corner and make sure they’re all secure.

Once I’m satisfied she’s locked in place, I climb off the bed and laugh.

“This will be on my terms, not yours, Shay. You get that?”

Her smile is sickly sweet. “I get you.”

This isn’t the first time I’ve tied her up so when I walk out of the room she doesn’t call out for me to stay or ask where I’m going or when I’ll be back. She can lie there all day and night for all I care. I’ll let her believe this will work out for us for now while I figure out what my next move is.

Searching out Riot isn’t difficult. I can hear the fucker’s booming laugh from a mile away as soon as I step outside.

“Brother, I need a word.”

He dismisses the prospect he’s talking to and I have his full attention.

“I take it you’ve heard my fucking ex showed up?”

“Yeah, I’ve been told. What about it?”

“I wanna go see Lex and explain everything. But Psycho made it clear I’m not to.”

He snorts. “What is it you wanna know?”

“Will he actually kick my head in if I show up at his door?”

“Nah.” Fucking finally. Something I want to hear, however, it’s short-lived when he goes on to say, “He’ll rip open your chest and yank your heart out with his bare hands.”

The fucker’s laugh reaches the seashore. “Look, Psy’s off his head most of the time, but since he met his old lady and became a daddy, he’s not exactly calmed down but he’s a little more rational. My advice, if he told you to steer clear, listen. After what Lexi went through, he won’t fuck about when it comes to her. Not over a guy, not again.”

I want to ignore his advice, I want to ride over to her house regardless and make her listen, but he’s right. I can’t push her.


Leaving Huxlington was meant to be a clear path, lying low and staying out of trouble, yet one woman has now fucked it up where the other one woman has changed everything. Slamming my fist into the nearest wall, Riot snorts as my wounds from the other day reopen.

“That shit ain’t gonna help, brother.”

“Thanks,” I grunt.

Why is it every time I take a step forward, I end up taking ten steps back? And now I’m ten steps back with fresh wounds on my knuckles.

“Lex is a good girl, brother. If you’re genuine, she’ll hear you out eventually. But get your shit sorted here first. She doesn’t deserve bullshit.”

No, she doesn’t. She deserves so much better.

“I know it doesn’t look like it now, but I’m not looking to fuck her about. Like I’ve been reminded today, I don’t know her well but what I do know, I’d do anything for her.”

“It’s like that already?”

“Yeah. It’s like that.”

Chapter Nine

