Page 34 of Manik

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I ride to Twisted’s tattoo parlour, figuring I’ll spend the day hiding out there, but I arrive and find it closed up. Fucking great.

It’s late and after a long day of basically doing nothing, the thought of spending another night sleeping on the hard floor pisses me off. And I can’t face another night keeping Shay at arm’s length because she wants shit to go back to normal between us and I don’t. The only woman on my mind is Lex and just because Shaya parades around in her skimpy lingerie doesn’t change that fact.

I haven’t seen Lexi or Psycho around the club over the last few days and where Lexi’s concerned, I don’t like it. I miss her something bad and I don’t give a fuck that I’ve only known her for little over a week.

I shoot back my shot of whiskey. I’ve never needed a shot more than I do tonight. Psycho walks in with Chaos. Knowing what I need to do, I slam the glass down on the bar and join them.

First, to Chaos, I say, “I can’t keep the charade up, not that I’m keeping her happy anyway. I need a new plan.” Then to Psycho, I tell him, “I’ve fallen for your sister, and I want to make it clear, to you, and most of all, to her.”

Neither of them says a word and I go on to add, “I know I’ve brought a trail of shit with me and I’m sorry for it. But I’m serious about her and I’m gonna make it right with Lexi and then I’ll be putting in for a transfer here. I’ll prove my worth.”

Psycho steps closer to me. “If you don’t trust your girlfriend to keep her mouth shut and you don’t wanna play house to keep her quiet, that leaves you with one option.”

Chaos steps closer to him. “Psy.”

His warning makes it clear what Psycho is implying. “You want to take her out.”

“Well, not to fucking dinner.”

Chaos steps in. “She comes for you, she comes for the club and if you’re telling us you can’t handle her, our Psy will.”

I nod because, at this point, there’s no other option. But it’s not that I can’t handle her, it's that I don't want to. Every minute I can’t see Lex, my need for her intensifies. I can’t fucking think without her.

“I’ll call the brothers in, and we’ll discuss how we move forward.”

“Thanks, Prez.”

Narrowing his eyes, he tilts his head scrutinising me. “How are you so easy-fucking-breezy about the possibility of your girl being put in the ground? The fuck you thanking me for?”

He doesn’t understand my fascination with Lexi Mitchell.

“Shay is not my girl. Lex will be and I’ll take down anyone who gets in my way.”

Concern covers Chaos but Psycho smirks. Of course, he likes the idea of taking out anyone who brings pain to his sister.

Chaos slams the gavel down, but the brothers are watching me. They’ve heard whispers about why this meeting has been called and Chaos gives me the nod to explain. Sitting forward in my seat, I rest my forearms on the table.

“I’ve known Shaya for a couple of years, we weren’t exactly young love’s dreams, but she was my old lady of sorts back home. We broke up and got back together too many times to count but before I left, I broke it off with her for real. When she rocked up here, I told her to go home, she made it clear she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut about the guy I killed.”

Brothers bristle around the table, and I clench my hands.

“Well, we can all guess how Psycho will want to handle her.” Mayhem smirks.

Psycho arches his brow, the smoke from his cigarette twirling up into the air making him look much more villainous.

“Am I wrong, though?”

“You’re not,” Chaos says from the head of the table.

“If Manik isn’t interested in keeping her happy, it has to be done. She runs her mouth, and the police start sniffing around, it’s not just him they’ll start prying into. They start looking into our chapter, then they start sniffing around all chapters,” Riot says, adding his bit.

“Let’s not beat around the fuckin’ bush. Are we all in agreement? She has to permanently disappear,” Chaos says leering around the table.

Not one brother disagrees, and I don’t hesitate to cast my vote. It’s brutal but she knew better. She’ll never be trusted again, and in this world, that’s a dangerous place to be.

“Just so you know, I’ll make it so quick she won’t even know she’s dead,” Psycho tells me.

I should feel some kind of way about it but she’s an obstacle and all I care about is getting what I want.

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