Page 35 of Manik

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“Good to know.”

Chaos bangs the gavel down and the brothers file out of the back room and into the bar. I step outside and call Dodge.

“Brother, if you’re calling for an update, I’m glad to say there’s not one.”

Frowning, that doesn’t sound right. “There’s been nothing?”

No, it can’t be true.

“Nope, it was briefly mentioned in the local paper, but apart from that, nothing. Brothers have been keeping their ears to the ground and apart from the funeral in a couple of days, no one’s sifting too hard into anything.”

“How is that possible?”

“According to a few guys we’ve heard chatting down the pub, the lad was a known troublemaker, and the police aren’t probing too hard into it. You’re free to come home.”

Scratching the back of my head, I inhale through my teeth. This doesn’t sound right at all and has my gut tightening in paranoia.

“Yeah, about that. I wanted to talk to you face to face, but I’m looking to put in a transfer.”

“To the Eastford Chapter?”

“Yeah. I’ve given Chaos the heads up.”

His sigh fills the line. “I’ll be sorry to see you go but to be honest, I’ll be glad to not have to put up with your shit anymore.”

He laughs and I roll my eyes. “Oh, and before I go, thanks for telling Shay where I am.”

“Yeah, brother, that bitch is your problem, always has been and always will be. She wouldn’t stop coming around and shouting her mouth off. It was either tell her where you were or permanently shut her up.”

I get it. I keep the plan to permanently shut Shaya up to myself and laugh.

“So what’s with you wanting to transfer? I thought you hated the beach.”

“Prez, it’s not the beach enticing me to stay.”

“Then it’s a woman.”

I smile as she fills my mind. “Lexi Mitchell.”

“Mitchell? As in a relation to Psycho?”

“Yeah, his sister.”

“You’re a braver man than most.” No one would believe me if I told them Psy’s been calm about the situation. So I don’t bother with Dodge. “Hold on, I thought she was banged up?”

“She got out recently. I’m wanting to make her mine.”

He whistles down the line. “I wish you all the luck, brother.”

The call ends and I slide the phone into my back pocket. It feels right to set in motion making Lexi mine.

“I’m not quite sure how to work you out.”

I jump at Psycho’s sudden appearance. The fucker is like a ninja.

“What do you want to know? Just ask, brother.”

“I’d kill for my sister. Without question and without hesitation. The thought of her suffering guts me, especially when I can’t help her or make it right for her. I’ll ask you once and once only. Are you genuine? You’ve only known her a couple of weeks.”
