Page 42 of Boss's Fake Wife

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Well, you can’t stay in this bathroom forever,I told myself, looking in the mirror.And a deal is a deal.

“You’re not going to touch him,” I told myself in the mirror. “And you’re not going to sleep with him either.”

If only I could convince myself that easily.

Still, I steeled myself and stepped out of the bathroom.

My heart thumped in my throat the minute I caught sight of him. He was lounging shirtless in bed and wearing only pajama bottoms. The bedside lamp cast a golden glow over his skin, highlighting his abs and sculpted muscles down to where they disappeared into his pajama bottoms.

Oh, God.Desire washed through me so quickly that it was heady, making me light-headed.

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

He was frowning at something on his phone before I stepped in, but when he sensed I was there, he looked over at me. His eyes tracked over the clothes I was wearing, and he smirked.

“Was there a war I was not warned about?” he asked, probably referring to the fact that I was wearing heavy clothing—a top and pants that pretty much swallowed my entire frame. He said he would pack up and bring me my clothes tomorrow, and this was the best I could do in the meantime with his.

“Oh, shut up,” I grouched as I walked over to the bed. Luckily, there was ample space for me to lie down on top of the covers and put a pillow between our bodies.

He continued smiling as he cocked his head at me.

“I wanna ask you something,” he said.

“What is it?”

“Are you religious?”

That surprised me. “Not particularly. Why?”

“They found a Bible amongst your things.” He reached over and grabbed it from the drawer by my side of the bed. When his body passed over mine, I accidentally inhaled his scent, and my insides rioted. God, how was I going to survive this?

He leaned back and showed me the Bible in his hand. Specifically, my Bible. “Is that why you’re so against sleeping with me?”

“No.” I took the Bible from his hand and stared at him. I didn’t know how to explain it to him, but with a sigh, I tried, saying, “I got that when I went to juvie. One of the therapists over there gave it to me and told me to read it. It gave me something to do in there so I didn’t lose my mind, and I guess some of the verses made me feel better about myself.” I shrugged, remembering Mrs. Turner, the quirky therapist who would greet me with a funny quote every morning. “The day I left, she gave it to me as a memento to remember her by.”

He nodded in understanding. “That was nice of her.”

“Yeah,” I said. A part of me thought he would make fun of me somehow, but he didn’t. He simply went back to looking at his phone.

I turned over in bed, ready to fall asleep. The faster I slept, the better I could ignore my urges. He wouldn’t do anything to me while I was asleep. I was just about sure of that.

But when I closed my eyes, I heard the light switch turn off and felt the mattress shift. And before I knew it, a hand snaked around my waist, dragging me back against a hard chest.

I instantly stiffened. “I thought we agreed you wouldn’t touch me?”

“This is not sexual touching,” he murmured right in my ear. “This is cuddling. Basically, a hug in bed.”

“That was not what I meant, and you know it.” I halfheartedly tried to shrug off his arm, but I couldn’t bring myself to move it outrightly. Desire was pumping hard and heavy in my blood, and I could feel the moisture already gathering between my thighs, my nipples puckering. And gosh, his scent. His scent was driving me up the wall.

I wanted him to kiss me all over like he had in my dream. I wanted him to tie me up and have sex with me right here on this bed with nothing between us. Maybe, in the darkness, I would be able to hide from my shame in the morning.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, and it made it worse. His whispered words blowing against my neck turned up the dial on my insanity. His hands also chose that moment to stroke one of the few spots of my abdomen where the shirt rose, instantly turning it into an erogenous zone.

“Let’s make a deal,” he said, his voice sounding like when the serpent offered Eve the fruit in the Garden of Eden. “We fuck once. Just a single time to get each other out of our systems.”

“You’re not in my system,” I shot back.

“Really?” I could practically hear his smirk in his tone. “So if I put my hands between your legs right now, I won’t find you wet and ready for me?”
