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Lyra scoffs, “Some thoughts are better kept inside your arrogant head.”

A chuckle escapes my lips, catching me by surprise. I throw my hands over my mouth, covering the traitorous tongue. Lyra and Dreyden get along well enough most days, but two stubborn, outspoken individuals such as themselves are bound to butt heads.

This time it’s Izan shooting me a look, silently reminding me that now is not the time to encourage Dreyden’s mood to decline further than it already has. I straighten my back, then clear the shit-eating grin from my face as they continue to nitpick each other.

“One of the perks of being a high lord is the ability to speak my mind without consequence, especially within my own home.” Dreyden rips into a steaming turkey leg through tightly clenched teeth.

Lyra covers her heart with her hand, gasping at Dreyden’s lack of table manners. We’re all staring at him, wondering what the hell got into him.

I’ve had enough of this.

“Shall we?” I ask the room, pointing toward the chairs. “I’m starving.”

Lyra nods as she pulls her repulsed face away from Dreyden. “Me too,” she says as she takes her seat.

Arryn follows me toward the table, never taking his eyes off Dreyden. He sits beside Lyra, and I sit beside him. Dreyden and Izan head the table on each end. No one sits across from us, which allows me an unobstructed view of the doors.

Thea and Revna emerge from the kitchen the second we’re all seated, almost as though they were listening through the door, quietly waiting for us to take our seats. The table has a full spread of turkey, potatoes, ripe fruits, and roasted vegetables. Revna and Thea make their way around the table, unfolding our napkins, and placing them in our laps as they greet us for dinner.

“How was your day with the high lord?” Revna asks while she raises a bottle of wine to my gold goblet.

Without a doubt she already knows all about Arryn; she would have been one of the first to find out about him. Thea and Revna know everything about this place, and everyone in it.

I smile up at the red-haired woman, thankful she continues to ask about my day when she already knows the answer. Talking to her always feels therapeutic in a motherly sort of way, and I appreciate the friendship we’ve formed.

“It was wonderful. We swam all morning, then went for a flight over the Bloodred Forest. It’s even more devastatingly beautiful from above.” I turn to Arryn beside me. “That’s how we found Arryn. He’s going to be staying with us for a little while. Would you mind preparing a room for him?”

Arryn hungrily shovels a mixture of turkey and potatoes into his mouth, oblivious to our conversation. He eats as though he hasn’t seen food for years. Lyra’s face nearly makes me laugh again when I get a glimpse of her furrowed brows and deep frown.

“You’re going to get wrinkles,” I lean forward, whispering to Lyra.

She straightens, trying hard to relax the muscles in her face.

Revna places her hand on the back of my chair. “There is already a room made up for him, Miss Adeena. I asked two of the girls to prepare his room as soon as you arrived. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Of course, she already had a room made up for him. I’m not surprised in the least bit. She’s always ten steps ahead of me.

Shaking my head, I offer her a smile as I say, “No, thank you. We appreciate your hard work and attention to detail.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Adeena. Please let me know if you find there’s anything else you need done.” She pats my shoulder gently as she returns to the kitchen with Thea.

We eat dinner mostly in silence. Lyra is disgusted with the way Arryn eats, Dreyden is fuming from his chair, Arryn is stuffing his face, Izan stays quiet to keep the peace, and I am unsure how to break the tension in the air.

Arryn is last to set his fork down, realizing we’ve all been quietly waiting for him to finish his meal. Dreyden and Izan immediately stand.

“I’m going to bed,” Dreyden mumbles before stalking out of the room.

Izan gives the three of us a swift nod. “Thank you for dining with us this evening, Arryn. I’m sure we’ll be seeing you tomorrow.”

Arryn shyly smiles up at him, “I look forward to it.”

“High lady,” Izan bows slightly, lowering his eyes as he leans in my direction.

I will never get used to that.

“Goodnight, Izan. Thank you for dinner.”

Raising his eyes, he looks to Lyra next. “Goodnight, Lyra.”
