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Chapter Three


The Fire Court healers didn’t find anything wrong with Arryn, which was disappointing, to say the least. They agreed it was possible he hit his head so hard it caused memory loss, or he’s under a spell more secretive and silent than they’d seen, but they couldn’t say for sure, and they didn’t have a cure for him. A goblet of water and some fruit later, he was still the same: lost, confused, and scared.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner, Arryn?” I ask as we are leaving the healer’s office. “Fruit and water will not be enough to fill you up, and we could use the company.”

Rubbing his hand over his growling stomach, Arryn says, “I don’t want to intrude, but I am certainly hungry. I suppose I could join you for this one evening, but I mustn’t make a habit of it.”

“Dreyden will join us at dinner, but you’re welcome to sit by me. Our friends Lyra and Izan will be there as well, and they’re much friendlier than Dreyden.”

Unsurprisingly, Dreyden had followed us into the healer’s office when we arrived at the castle, but I quickly shooed him off. His sudden bad mood was ruining my good day and it was making Arryn even more nervous than he already was. I don’t know what got into him, but he needs a serious attitude adjustment by the time we meet for dinner.

“Dreyden is the high lord?”

I nod, “Yes, Dreyden is the high lord, and you’re in Fire Court.”

“When did I get here?”

This is the fifteenth or sixteenth time Arryn has asked me this question, but I smile as I answer him, feeling bad about the extreme memory loss he is experiencing, “I’m not sure. We found you in the woods, then we brought you here. You are safe with us.”

A glimmer of hope lights up Arryn’s eyes as we walk. “Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure. We are lucky we stumbled upon you when we did. There’s no telling where you would have ended up.”

Arryn rolls his shoulders back like he has a chill. “Orwhowould have found me.”

I give him a reassuring smile. “I guess we’ll never know.”

Leading Arryn through the maze of hallways I know so well now, I give him a brief tour on the way to the dining room. He is mesmerized by the towering cathedral windows and bold décor scattered throughout the castle. His jaw is nearly dragging across the marble floor the entire way, and it only drops lower when we enter the dining room, offering him his first chance to lay eyes on Lyra.

She greets him with a gentle smile, undoubtedly having already heard all about his amnesia from the castle staff. Arryn is undeniably attractive, and I knew word of him would spread like wildfire once some of Lyra’s friends caught a glimpse. A chiseled jawline complimented his broad shoulders well, and his silver eyes popped against the burgundy undertones running through his dark, lush hair. He towered over me as I stood next to him, but he wasn’t as tall as Dreyden.

Lyra is seated facing us. On a normal night, she sits in the chair next to me, with Izan to her right, and Dreyden to my left. However, tonight Arryn will sit between me and Lyra because Izan and Dreyden cannot be trusted to be nice. Dreyden’s poor mood always rubs off onto Izan, creating a domino effect throughout the castle, and tonight is not the night for that. Arryn needs compassion and stability while we wait for him to come out of this amnesic state.

Rising from her chair with the same grace she has always had, Lyra speaks with a pearly smile, “It’s nice to meet you, Arryn. My name is Lyra Pagonis, and I’d love for you to dine with me this evening.”

Silver bangles chime at Lyra’s wrist as she raises her hand to her thick braid, softly twirling a loose strand between her fingers. The gown she selected for dinner wasclearlychosen with the intention of making a lasting first impression on Arryn. Iridescent crystals line Lyra’s waist, highlighting her small torso while strips of white tulle flow from her hips. The snow-white fabric only makes her deep ebony skin more gorgeous, and I notice she coated her body in a shimmery moisturizer, creating a holographic aura around her.

I grin as I look down at my attire. There wasn’t time to change before dinner, and I’m still wearing the same tunic and trousers I wore all day. By now, I’m used to being outdressed by Lyra on nearly every occasion. Dressing up is Lyra’s self-care and therapy.

Arryn clears his throat, silver eyes locked on the stunning woman before us. “It would be my pleasure to dine with the most beautiful women in this castle,” he coolly gestures between me and Lyra.

Unexpected warmth rises to my cheeks as he charms us. I can’t help but blush; Arryn is one of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen. His natural features are seductive and sexy, even when he looks confused. Perhaps he’s our damsel in distress.

Dreyden’s jealous, low growl vibrates across the dining room as he enters with Izan by his side. The attitude adjustment I had hoped for hasn’t happened, causing me to roll my eyes at Dreyden.

Lyra’s eyes immediately leave a startled Arryn to follow Izan across the room. There is a shift in her jade eyes that I know only I notice, a sudden twinkle as she watches Izan stride toward his place setting at the table. He glances up at her through gentle eyes but doesn’t say anything as he walks.

“I wonder if it’s acceptable to court another man’s mate where you come from, Arryn?” Dreyden’s chair scratches against the marble floor as he aggressively pulls it from the table. “It’s a shame you can’t remember.”

Stunned by Dreyden’s lack of hospitality, Arryn says nothing as he watches the high lord.

Lyra and I both shoot Dreyden a glare at the same time.

“He was only being friendly, Dreyden. There’s no need to be rude to our guest,” Lyra snaps at Dreyden through gritted teeth, then flashes Arryn a sweet smile.

“And I am only thinking out loud,” Dreyden says as he shrugs his shoulders, then takes his place at the table.

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