Page 9 of Angel Shot

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At four in the morning, Ellie made her way down the stairs and into the bakery. Making sure the blinds were down tight, she flicked on the lights.

Now that the Barracudas knew where she was, there was only one thing to do. Leave. It was the only option. She didn’t want to go. She loved her life here. She loved Lizzie. She loved Sugar Beat. She loved everything about being in Graceport. Then, eyes of steel blue flashed behind her lids…Colt. There was something about him that terrified her, while at the same time turned her entire body into mush and made her heart skip beats. Mist stung her eyes because now she would never know.

No. Get a hold of yourself, Eleanor McMahon.

She shook off the tears. Her decision was made.

Tonight, while Lizzie slept, she was going to get into her car and drive. To where? She didn’t have a clue. But this time, she was going to be smarter and change her name.

She grabbed the industrial-sized can of coffee and went to work. When that was done, she opened the refrigerator and took out the plastic container of batter. Next, she began pouring the batter into the cup-lined muffin tins. Then, she moved over to the stove and popped the tins inside. Next on the list of things to do was to check the display cases.

Every bone in her body ached. Her muscles, tight from fatigue. Her heart, cracking in two. But she pushed on. When they had gotten home from The Barnacle last night, she tried to get some sleep. However, every creak of the settling house, every gust of wind slapping against the shingles had her convinced the Barracudas had broken into the house.

She couldn’t live that way.

“Hey, what are you doing? It smells delicious in here.” Lizzie stood in the doorway, yawning. “Did you sleep?”

“Yes.” She lied. “You?”

“Like the dead. I had a good time last night, Ell.”

“Me, too.” She bustled over to the oven to take out the muffins. “Coffee’s on. Cases are checked and filled. Freshly baked blueberry muffins done. The only thing left to do is open the doors.”

“You can never leave me, Ell. What would I do without you?”

Ellie’s stomach dropped. “I’m not going anywhere.” Lying to Lizzie did not feel good. However, she had to lie. Because if she told her the truth, Lizzie would steal her car keys and lock her in her room, so that she couldn’t leave. And then where would they be? Sitting ducks for the Barracudas? No, thank you. If she had to tell a few untruths to keep Lizzie safe, that’s what she was going to do.

By ten o’clock in the morning, they were sold out of muffins, with only cookies and a few pastries left.

“What did you put in the batter?” Lizzie laughed. “Pixie dust? Those things sold like hotcakes.”

“Truth?” Ellie cleared the table in front of the window. “Lemon and sour cream.” She set the tray of mugs on the counter and smiled at her friend. “And some pixie dust.”

“I knew it!” Lizzie giggled. “Well, please make some more for tomorrow, will you? If we keep doing business like this, we’re going to be rich. Hey, you didn’t read our horoscopes this morning.”

“I didn’t, did I? Hang on.” Ellie took the dirty dishes out back, stuffed them into the dishwasher, then grabbed her tablet from the charger on the desk. Before she walked back into the shop, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This would be the last time she did this with her best friend. Releasing a deep exhale, she painted a smile on her face. “Alright, let’s see what today has in store for us.”

Lizzie had her hands on her hips and a pout on her face. “Are you sure you’re, okay? You never, and I mean never, start the day without reading your horoscope. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“No.” Ellie spat out lie number five thousand. “You first. Dear Capricorn, you could experience an uncomfortable attack of envy as desirous Venus squares off with abrupt Uranus in your passion sector. Don’t let your emotions call the shots. Your color for the day is emerald green.”

Lizzie burst out laughing. “I don’t think my anus would ever be found in my passion sector.”

“Not your anus! Uranus, the planet!” Ellie had to hold onto her side, as she laughed right along with Lizzie.

“I tried it once. Didn’t like it.”


Lizzie swiped tears from her cheeks. “Read yours.”

“Alright, let’s see.” Ellie popped Libra into the search engine. “Dear Libra, today will be eventful and full of surprises. Expect a run-in with the opposite sex. Your color for the day is steel blue.” As Ellie read the last two words, her pulse did a sprint.

The bell over door jingled and Colt Garrett strode in.

“Ooh, la, la.” Lizzie whispered in her ear. “What do you know? I am feeling a little envy right now. That man is looking at you like he wants to devour you.”

“Stop that.” Ellie kicked her in the shin. “He’ll hear you.”
