Page 21 of Redemption

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I’m only as lonely as I was in Philadelphia. At least there’s some eye candy and a bright sun gleaming down on me here.

One minute draws into the next as we travel through cities, small towns, and stunning countryside. It’s a little over an hour later that the vehicle slows to a stop at an opening among rows and rows of trees.

I lift out of my seat a little to see that the forest-like setting is framed by a stone wall with black iron, adding height to the whole thing. Shifting my gaze, I look through the front window to see a large double gate made from the same iron on the walls, and with a tap from the driver, it opens moments later.

None of the brothers utter a word at my nosiness, not even when I watch as we drive down a stone lane through more trees and a house slowly comes into view.

House is too small of a word, it’s a freaking mansion for sure. I’ve stayed in enough of them to know what one looks like, but this is way more rustic and Mediterranean in comparison, and I’m in complete awe.

The forest seems to circle the entire property, while acres and acres of open space sits before us. As the SUV rolls to a stop in front of the mansion, my eyes light up at the sheer size of the place.

The sound of the door opening to my left pulls my gaze, and Vito climbs out first. Neither Matteo or Enzo move, making the silent order heard loud and clear that I follow after him.

The entire place looks stunning in the setting sun, a sense of calmness casting over us as I follow after Vito. Someone appears to open the front door of the house for Vito, who steps through without a word, and I can’t help but run my hand over the stone wall as I step through too, murmuring my thanks as I go.

“Oh, you’re home. I wasn’t expecting you for a few more days, but I can whip something up for dinner right away.” The sound of the woman’s voice makes me pause as I stand in the open doorway. A small woman with graying brown hair wraps her arms around Vito tightly as he lowers himself to embrace her in response.

I almost feel intrusive on their moment and consider turning and heading back outside, but her brown eyes find mine before I can even take a step.

“And who might this lovelyBellabe?” she asks with a smile, making my eyes widen as she approaches me with her arms open as they were for Vito.

I glance over her shoulder at Vito who is staring at the two of us in confusion, but he must take pleasure in the discomfort clearly flashing on my face as she hugs me, because he doesn’t urge her away from me or make her stop. It’s like he’s enjoying my pain, and the slight tilt to the corner of his mouth tells me I’m right.


“Don’t hug her, Nonna. She pointed a gun at Matteo’s head this morning,” Enzo states from behind me, making my body stiffen even more, but to my surprise, the woman clinging to me throws her head back with a laugh as she rubs my arms.

“It’s about time someone put him in his place. What I would have done to see that.” She continues to giggle as she takes a step back, swiping her hands at her face as someone grunts from behind me.Matteo.

“I can show you again if you like,” I blurt with a wide smile and a waggle of my eyebrows, which makes her laugh even more.

Unfortunately, Enzo wraps his arm around my shoulder tightly, pinning me to his side in a silent order to keep my gun where it is. “I’m sorry, Nonna. She can’t, not today,” he starts, taking large strides to guide me from the room. “Until we decide what to do with her, she’s on room arrest.”

My brows pinch as I look up at him, managing to keep my pace up with his. “Room arrest?” I repeat, the confusion clear in my tone as he offers me a dark smirk in response.

“It’s exactly what it sounds like,Bella. A lot has happened today, and until we decide what to actually do with you, you’re going to remain in here.” As he stops speaking, his feet also halt before he swings open the door to his right.

I can’t get a single word out before he shoves me into the room and slams the door shut behind me, the sound of a key turning in a lock following moments later as I gape at the panel of wood in surprise.

I shouldn’t be shocked. They’re mafia, for fuck’s sake.

I’m just not used to being the one ordered around instead of giving the orders. But I’m alive and breathing, and as I tilt my head to the left, I see an open door leading into an ensuite, and I smile wide despite the circumstances.







After my shower in the lush ensuite, I feel lighter. As if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I’ve had time to properly process the day’s events. I’m never going to know whether I made the right decision in that restaurant, which means I will stand by the actions I took.

It’s dark outside now, the time difference making it later than it was back home so I’m still wide awake, and from the occasional noise I hear from the other side of the door, I know I’m not the only one.
