Page 49 of Redemption

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“I’ve killed people for far less than this, Teto,” I breathe, my voice void of any emotion or bite as I keep my eyes fixed on his. “So, I’m only going to ask you this one time. Let go before you regret it.”

He barks out a laugh as he shakes his head at me. “I’ll put you down when and whereIplease.” His grip tightens on the material of my top as he yanks me closer, eliminating the final bit of space between us. “If that’s on the tip of my blade, then so be it. If it happens to be on my dick first, then so be that too.”

It’s my turn to chuckle this time, my head falling back for a moment before I return my gaze to his. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but it’s hard not to when your threats are so shitty.” I run my tongue over my teeth, and his jaw tightens with annoyance. “But to clarify—are you threatening to cause me pain at the touch of your small, moldy green dick as well as insinuating that you’re going to stab me, like, to what? Death?”

My words don’t seem to spark any amusement in his eyes, instead, they only seem to make him angrier. In the next moment, he rattles me, shaking me back and forth on the spot as he spits out his words. “I’m saying that I’m the fucking boss right now, and you’ll do well to follow my orders.”

I want to ask him what fucking orders he’s talking about because he hasn’t actually given a single one, but I’m not down with him and his bullshit. He waltzed in here, pushed all of my buttons, and I wasn’t finished with my workout.

“I’m sorry, but it’s a no from me.” My hands clench at my sides as he shakes his head.

“You don’t get a fucking choice.”

I know my eyes are likely giving away my anger now as my tone darkens. “You see, that’s the thing. We always have a choice, you’re just not appreciating the fact that mine doesn’t align with yours.”

Teto yanks my top again, the material tearing a little under his harshness as he leans in closer. “You don’t know my fucking choice.”

Just because he has a hold of my top doesn’t mean he has all of the control, and I make that point clear when I rise up onto my tiptoes. “I know that you walked in here with intention. I know that I asked you to remove your fucking hands from me and you haven’t. And I know that you threatened me against whatmustbe your better judgment.” Anger burns in every word, my body ready to attack as I hold myself back from the edge by a sliver of a thread.

He smirks, tilting his head to the side. “Like I said, I’m the fucking boss.”

That’s it. That’s the final drop of acid from his tongue that I needed to dissolve the tether holding me back.

“Not mine. Not today. Not ever.”

The words have barely left my lips before I smash my skull into his face. His nose crunches beneath my pounding head as he grunts, stumbling back a step and releasing his hold on me to cover his face.

I blink past the pain ricocheting through my head, but my body immediately moves into position to bring this fucker down.

“You fucking bitch.”

I roll my eyes at his attempt to throw harmless words in my direction, and a dark smile taints my lips. “Yes, I am. I thought we covered this. No wonder the De Lucas don’t give you any responsibility. You’re nothing more than an errand boy.”

“Fuck you,” he bites, charging toward me in the next breath. His arms band around my waist, knocking me to the floor with him following along as my back smacks harshly into the ground, taking the wind from my lungs as I gasp for breath.

Despite my pain, I fight blindly against him, refusing to let him get his legs and arms over mine so I’m restrained. Thrusting my knees up, I hit him in the back twice before the motherfucker manages to grab both of my wrists in one of his hands, while bringing the other down to my breast.

His fingers grip the flesh through my sports bra, and I wince, the instant feel of bruises forming under his hold only fueling my anger. It feels like my rage was only simmering beneath the surface, contained at my command, and he’s just flicked the fucking switch to unleash it.

I knee him in the side, at the same time, I use all of my strength to pull one of my wrists free of his hold. I groan in relief when my right hand slips free, but he tightens his hold on my left. It’s a struggle to block the pain out as I rear my free hand back and punch the motherfucker in the face.

“Fuck,” he spits, blood dripping down on me from his nose as I hit the wounded spot twice more. When it doesn’t allow me to gain an advantage over him, I change tactics, kneeing him in the side again, pushing him forward as I plunge my thumb into his eye.

I know the perfect pressure point; it was one of the first things my father taught me. As he cries out in pain, I yank my captured arm down toward my face, bringing his arm along with it, before sinking my teeth into his tattooed flesh.

There’s always a barrier in our actions when we sink our teeth into that of another human, a moment where you hesitate whether you should push further, and in this instance, I blast right through it.

I taste the coppery essence on my tongue as I continue to sink my teeth into him, his cries turning into wails as I feel his body slack a little above me, and I use the opportunity to buck my legs and twist my hip at the same time. Rolling the pair of us, I release my teeth from his flesh as I come to settle on top of him.

“What the fuck?!” His voice is hoarse as he struggles to defend himself. Blood pools in his eye which tells me I hit him exactly where I wanted to. His nose is a mess, and his arm is draped in blood too. The same blood that dribbles down my chin.

I can’t imagine what I look like, but I couldn’t give a fuck. This asshole deserves it all. I might have been trained to assassinate the enemy and make it look effortless, but I’m also well-versed in fighting as dirty as I need to.

The taste of copper is still heavy in my mouth, and despite my usual thoughts on spitting, I quickly aim it in his direction. The splatter makes me cringe despite him fucking deserving it, before I spot him moving for the blade holstered at his hip.

How had I not seen that there before?

Without wasting a single moment, I grab the handle before he does, pulling it from its sleeve before quickly thrusting it into his thigh.
