Page 65 of Dreams of Magic

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Sorcha flinched a little when Darren took her hands, but she didn’t pull away.

He slowly started coaxing her into dancing, “Come on baby girl, it’s time you had a little fun. Where’s that beautiful smile?”

Darren spun Sorcha around in circles, never holding her too close.

Sorcha started smiling as they danced, her eyes lighting up with joy. Kenzie watched them for the full length of the song and into the next one. Sorcha slowly loosened up more and more and really started having fun. They weren’t following the beat at all, and both seemed perfectly okay with that.

Kenzie sat on the couch with Brianna and just watched. It was a beautiful sight.

Brianna mind-linked her,“This is all new for her. I have a friend who came from Black Falls, and she’s been here for about seven years now and she hasn’t recovered. I think Sorcha is more open to healing, and I was hoping we could help her. It’s looking like she might just be in the right place.”

“Aiden mentioned that too. It seems that she is Marshall’s mate. Though, I’m not sure that’s my business to tell. Maybe the Goddess meant for her to be here all along.” She believed strongly in fate, destiny and all that mumbo jumbo. That’s why having a prophecy about them seemed important to her. It’s also why she was trying to roll with each punch that came as best as she could.

“Huh, well ain’t that something. Fate is a funny thing.”Then Brianna stood up and raised her glass, “To new friends and family. May this girl’s night be just the beginning.”

There were whoops and cheers all around and everyone took a huge gulp of their drinks.

Cassie called out, “Who’s next?”

Kenzie waved Brianna over, “Go for it.”

Brianna went to get her hair bleached, chugging her drink as she went. Deciding that was a great idea, Kenzie chugged hers too, then got a refill. When she turned back, Darren motioned her over to join his little dance party.

Sorcha reached out and pulled her into the circle and they started to dance together to the beat with Darren dancing around them.

The song changed to a slightly slower beat and Sorcha pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around Kenzie’s shoulders and whispered quietly, “Thank you Mackenzie. I don’t think this would have happened tonight if you weren’t here. I won’t ever be an outgoing person, but I think, maybe with this small group I can find myself.”

She squeezed Sorcha in a tight hug, “You’re stuck with us now. I don’t know anyone here very well, and yet, you all feel like family already. I think I met you all when I needed you most.”

They stayed like that for another minute before her phone alarm went off.

Releasing each other, she pulled her phone out and turned off the alarm, “Time to wash your hair!”

Sorcha followed her back into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub while she adjusted the water.

“Sit on the floor and tilt your head back over the tub.”

Kenzie removed the foil and started rinsing her hair. Sorcha giggled, “My scalp kind of tingles. Is that normal?”

Kenzie laughed, “I have no idea! But hopefully it does not mean your hair is falling out!”

“It could fall out?” Sorcha looked horrified by the idea.

She shrugged, “Apparently, it’s possible. Cassie said not to worry though, so cross your fingers!”

The goop in Sorcha’s hair made her hand slippery and she accidentally dropped the nozzle, sending water flying across the bathroom. She gasped and threw out her hands as if she could block the water from hitting her in the face, while Sorcha just laughed.

But the water didn’t hit her. It stopped midair.

“Woah! You stopped it!” Sorcha exclaimed with excitement, then she called out to Raven, “RAVEN!”

They heard a thump, then rushing feet and Raven, Darren, Cassie and a half-foiled Brianna all came crashing through the bathroom door.

The commotion distracted Kenzie enough that she dropped the water back into the tub, but not before they all saw it. The water kept running, as the nozzle settled at the bottom of the tub.

Raven looked excited while everyone else just looked intrigued or curious, “You did it!”

Kenzie grabbed the nozzle and continued rinsing Sorcha’s hair while she talked, “I did it by accident again. I didn’t even realize it at first.”
