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But damn it, I can't resist her allure. She's like a drug, and I'm hopelessly addicted.

My reverie is abruptly shattered as my assistant barges into my office without knocking. Startled, I quickly straightened my tie, trying to compose myself. She clears her throat, and its sound grating against my frayed nerves.

"Michael, the investors are waiting for you in the conference room," she announces urgently.

I curse, realizing I've lost myself in Serena-induced reveries again. I gather my composure and give my assistant a tight-lipped smile.

"Thank you, Jennifer. I'll be there shortly," I reply, trying to keep myself calm.

She nods curtly, retreating from the room as quickly as she enters. As the door closes behind her, I'm left alone once more, grappling with the inner turmoil. The investors may be waiting, but my mind is fixated on Serena's absence like an open wound.

I take a deep breath, attempting to prepare myself for the business ahead. But my thoughts drift back to Serena—her intoxicating scent, the warmth of her body pressed against mine, the taste of her lips.

She's become an obsession, an ache that refuses to be ignored.

With a heavy heart, I leave my office, forcing myself to focus on the upcoming meeting. But deep down, I know that until I can unravel the mystery of Serena's avoidance, she will continue consuming my thoughts.

I settle back into the comfortable leather seat of my car. The rhythmic hum of the engine is in the background as John and I catch up over the phone.

I can't help but ask him where he is at the moment. "Hey, John. Where are you now?" I inquire, trying to keep my tone casual.

His voice crackles through the phone, reminding me John is visiting a remote location.

"I'm in Thailand, Michael. Things are going well here. We're making great progress with our hotels and resorts."

It makes me happy to hear that our business ventures are thriving, and a surge of pride washes over me.

"That's fantastic news, John. Keep up the good work. Our investors will be pleased."

Taking advantage of the conversation, I decided to share some positive news.

"By the way, I had a few meetings with the investors today, and they went quite well. It seems like we're on the right track."

John chuckles, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

"That's excellent, my friend. We're building something amazing together. Nothing can stop us."

As we continue talking, John's attention shifts to Serena. I internally brace myself, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Serena is doing great, John. Everything is going smoothly on our side."

He thanks me for caring for Serena and helping her secure her dream job. I respond with a modest acknowledgment, keeping my answers short, not revealing what happened between me and Serena.

"You know I'll always be there for her, John. She's like family."

You don't kiss family like that…. I exhale at that thought.

Our conversation continues, but my gaze drifts absentmindedly outside the car window. And there she is—Serena.

But she's not alone.

Sitting at a roadside cafe, she's engrossed in conversation with a man laughing. All of a sudden, I can feel the anger bubbling up from inside, tightening my grip on the phone.

What the fuck?

"Driver, stop the car!" I demand abruptly.

The car screeches to a halt, and I hastily unbuckle my seatbelt. Stepping out onto the pavement, my eyes remain fixed on Serena and the man sharing what looks like an intimate conversation.
