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Fueled by jealousy, I approach them with determination.

Serena's eyes widen in surprise as she notices my presence. The man turns his head and looks totally confused. But I disregard his existence.

Suppressing my anger, I force myself to maintain composure as I address her. "Serena, what's going on here?"

Her expression shifts, a mixture of shock and confusion. "Michael, what…."

Serena is trying to speak, but I'm not interested in her explanations. Jealousy has clouded my judgment, overpowering any rational thought. As the tension hangs heavy in the air, I stand before Serena, my voice firm.

"Serena, we're leaving. Now."

"You can't tell me what to do, Michael." Her defiance fuels her response, and her words cut through the charged atmosphere.

Growing impatient, my grip tightens around her hand, intending to pull her forcefully. But before I can act, the man sitting with her rises to his feet, protecting Serena.

"Get your hands off her. She doesn't want to go with you!" His voice pierces through my ears.

A rage engulfs me, my gaze locking onto the man challenging my authority. "This doesn't concern you," I snap, unable to hide my anger.

The commotion has drawn the attention of bystanders, and their curious eyes fixated on our heated exchange. The weight of their gazes bears down on me, but I'm undeterred.

"Serena, let's go. We need to talk." I plead with her, my voice straining with frustration.

She resists, "I don't want to go anywhere with you right now. Look around you, Michael. See the commotion you're causing."

Her words hit home as I stare at Serena—a battle of wills, wounded pride, and unresolved emotions. The weight of humiliation settles heavily on me, and I realize my irrational behaviors.

Defeated, I release Serena's hand. The judgmental whispers and curious glances from onlookers only magnify my humiliation, exposing my vulnerabilities for all to see.

I retreat from the scene with a heavy heart and burning anger directed at myself. My car becomes a temporary refuge as I slump into the seat while thinking of the consequences of my impulsive actions.

Frustrated with myself, I command the driver to take me home abruptly.

As the car pulls away, the outside world blurs. The road stretches before me but offers no relief from the regret and self-loathing that weigh heavily on my chest.

Each passing mile is a painful reminder of my inability to control my emotions and the damage I've inflicted on my relationship with Serena. Anguish and anger intertwine within me, a tormenting reminder of how I behaved.

It’s silent in the car, and I can't help but replay the scene in my mind, dissecting every word and action, punishing myself again and again.

I step out with a heavy heart when the car arrives at my home.

I walk to the bar and reach for the whiskey. The glass is heavy in my grasp.

I take a sip as the burning sensation down my throat reminds me of the painful mistakes.

Time stands still for a few moments until I hear the door creak open. My heart skips a beat as I turn to see Serena looking hurt and disappointed, intensifying my remorse.

Our eyes meet, and I’m unable to hide the guilt on my face. Serena's voice trembles with frustration as she asks the question.

"What the hell was that all about, Michael?"

"I'm sorry, I don’t know what came over me…" I shake my head, but my apology falls short of mending the damage I've caused.

She refuses to end the conversation with my apology, determined to make me understand how stupid I was behaving like that.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Michael. Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was out there? I was out for lunch with a colleague, and you came to lash out at me."

Her words strike me like a dagger to the heart. I realize the pain I caused her and struggle to find the right words to describe my regret.
