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She gasps in awe when I come out of the closet to show her my outfit. And I chuckle, twirling a bit.

"What do you think?" I ask.


Her faux Italian accent makes me laugh, and she joins in.

By 8:00 pm, the house was already buzzing with loud music, and people started to troop in twos and threes. By 8:30 pm, the house was already filled up, and everyone was partying.

I enter at 9:00 pm, per Cassie's orders, and as I join, everyone screams and chants my name.

"Oh, my God!" I gawk in awe.

"Welcome back, girl!" Cassie screams, hugging me. She is all dressed and made up, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Cassie, where did all these people come from?" I ask, both shocked and impressed. "I don't even know half of them."

Actually, I don’t know most of them…

"Babe, you and I know people in this city throw a party for whatever reason. They don't care who is throwing the party or what the party is for as long as there is free booze." She yells over the loud music.

That makes sense. I shrug.

"Besides," She continues. "You don't have to worry about who these people are or if they are having fun. This is your night, and you've got to have fun. Maybe even get laid while at it."

"Cassie!" I chide.

"What!" She shrugs. "It's the truth, and you know it. You need a little bit of action after years of celibacy."

"Nothing wrong with celibacy. " I tell Cassie.

"Whatever!" She screams back at me. I roll my eyes but still chuckle.

"Why don't you get us drinks while I go find John in all this chaos," I tell her, and she nods.

She moves toward the kitchen while I take the opposite direction to John's study since I’m sure John is working as usual.

How can someone be working with all this chaos? I shake my head.

I get to his study, and just as I'm about to open the door, someone opens the door from inside. Thinking it's my uncle, I look up at the person.

But it's not him.

It's someone else.

Someone I definitely didn't expect to see here, of all places, or at my welcome-home party. In fact, he is someone I thought I'd never see again.

My breath hangs in my throat, and my eyes widen.

"Oh, I'm sorry…" He starts to apologize, but I cut him off.

"You," The word comes out before I can stop it.

His eyes settle on me, and his expression immediately mirrors mine.

"You," He repeats, looking as shocked as I am.

Oh shit!
