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"I ended up at a small, vibrant club," I continue as I recall the vivid details. "That's where I first met Michael. He protected me from the drunk guy harassing me and wouldn't let go of me. Michael had this magnetic presence that drew me in. We started talking, and before I knew it, hours had passed in the blink of an eye."

I pause, allowing my memories to come back fully. It feels so long ago, yet the memory of how I met Michael is still vivid in my mind.

"We had an instant connection, John," I say, "It felt like we had known each other for a long time, even though we had just met. We laughed, danced, and eventually returned to his hotel."

John's brows furrow, suspecting what happened next and not eager to hear about it. I continue after a pause and with a bit of hesitation.

"We slept together that night, but it was more than just physical, John," I confess in a soft voice. "We shared something deeper—a connection on an emotional level. It wasn't just a one-night stand, but a moment of true intimacy."

I see John's jaw tense, his hands clenching slightly. My heart aches, knowing the pain my words are causing him, but I must be honest.

"After that night, Michael and I didn't see each other again," I explain, my voice heavy with regret. "Life took us in different directions, and we lost touch. But the memory of that connection stayed with me."

I take a deep breath, gathering the courage to reveal the more recent chapters of our story.

"A few months ago, I returned home, and by some twist of fate, Michael and I crossed paths again, but only to find out you and Michael are business partners and best friends." I continue, "Despite the circumstances, the spark we felt in Milan was reignited, and our connection became stronger than ever."

I glance at John, hoping to see any sign of understanding or compassion. But he seems detached, guarding his emotions hidden inside.

"John, I know that finding out our relationship like this has caused you pain, and I'm truly sorry," I say, tears streaming down my face. "But please try to understand. Michael and I didn't plan for any of this to happen. We definitely didn’t mean to betray you or anyone else. We just wanted to follow our hearts."

John's countenance remains unchanged throughout my narrative, and it terrifies me.

"I love him, John," I cry out desperately. "We love and care deeply about each other. I know we lied to you initially, and I am really sorry. We tried to tell you the truth so many times, but it was never easy. And I understand how angry you are now, but this is the truth – Michael and I are in love."

John starts to laugh, "What the fuck do you know about love?" he fires at me, jabbing his finger into my chest.

His words strike me hard. "You know nothing—absolutely nothing about love. You're just a delusional kid, and Michael found it so easy to prey on. He took advantage of you! He saw you as an easy fuck." He snaps.

"No!" I refuse to accept his accusation. "It's not like that. It's never been like that!" I snap back, my voice trembling with anger. "Michael didn't take advantage of me. He loves me, and I love him too."

"And me?" As he beats his chest, John's voice is filled with pain and betrayal. "After everything I've done for you, you find it easy to betray me. Where does that leave me?"

His words pierce my heart, causing it to shatter into a million pieces.

"You're still my uncle... my dad," I say, my voice filled with sadness. "I'll always love you and forever be grateful for everything you've done for me. But I love Michael too, and I can't choose between you and Michael."

"Well, you have to," John says, looking serious, and it shocks me.

"What!" I exclaim, unable to believe what I've just heard.

"You have to choose between me and Michael. It can't be both of us. It's either me or him." John repeats.

"You can't be serious!" I protest, desperately hoping that he'll take his statement back.

But John holds my gaze, "I am serious. You have to choose. It's either me or him. Deep down, you know that too. Make a wise choice, Serena."

And with that, John walks out of the room, leaving me standing there in utter turmoil. I burst into tears, feeling completely torn apart. The weight of the choice I’m forced to make crushes my spirit, and I find myself lost in a sea of conflicting emotions.

Sitting inside the Uber, I’m consumed by a storm of emotions. Thoughts whirl around and collide in my head, and I'm left feeling utterly torn.

I never thought it would come to this. How could John, who raised me and cared for me all these years, suddenly force me to choose between him and Michael?

It's incomprehensible. The love I have for John never competes with the love I have for Michael. John is my father figure who provided stability and guidance when I needed it the most. I’m eternally grateful for what he’s done for me.

But with Michael, it's different. He ignited a fire within me, showing me what it truly means to be in love. No one has ever made me feel the way he does. The depth of my feelings for him is undeniable.

And now, here I am, forced to choose between the two people I care about the most. I know that whichever path I choose, someone will be hurt, and I can’t bear hurting either John or Michael.
