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"I love you too," he replies, keeping our eye contact.

Our lips meet in a deep and passionate kiss again. But before we can truly lose ourselves in the moment, the door bursts open, and John's angry voice fills the room.

"What the fuck?!" he screams, unable to hide his anger.

Time seems to stand still as John's rage fills the room. Without hesitating, he yells at Michael, his fist swinging high. Michael tries to shield himself, his arms desperately fending off the blows.

"John, stop!"

I scream with fear and desperation. As I rush towards them, desperately trying to break them apart. But John shoves me away, his force causing me to fall painfully on my butt.

Something inside Michael snaps. Seeing me fall on the floor triggers his anger, and he fights back, throwing punches in defense. His fist hits John's face. It’s total chaos.

With all my strength, I scramble to stand up and position myself between them. My arms outstretched, pleading for them to stop. Tears stream down my face, my voice cracking as I beg for this madness to end.

"Please, stop!" I cry. "We can work this out, but we must stop fighting first!"

John's eyes meet mine with both hurt and rage. He shakes his head at me and turns to Michael again. "Get out, Michael." John's voice cuts through the chaos, "Get out and never come back."

The room falls silent, John’s words heavy in the air. I watch Michael's face contorts with pain. I feel my heart breaking as the reality of the situation sinks in. We knew this day might come, but the truth is much more brutal.

My sobs intensify as I realize that our worst fears have come true. The love and happiness Michael and I found in each other have come at a great cost, and I'm left devastated, knowing that our world will never be the same again.

Chapter 18

Choice To Make


I stand in front of John, my tears still flowing down my face. John paces back and forth in the room, not knowing what to do with his anger and frustration.

I know that saying anything right now will escalate the situation further, so I remain silent. But amidst all the chaos, the only thing I can think of is Michael, who left the house with bruises on his face.

John may have suffered a busted lip in the fight, but it’s small compared to what happened to Michael. I know Michael held back during the fight because he understood why this fight started.

John stops pacing and looks at me, causing me to avert my gaze. I’m overwhelmed with shame. I should have told him about my relationship with Michael when I had the chance. Now that John has caught us in our lie, things will become even more complicated.

"Did he force you?" John's question catches me off guard, and I look at him in shock.

"What?" I manage to utter, looking totally confused.

"Did he force himself on you?" John growls with a frightening tone.

"No!" I quickly shake my head. "No, he didn't force himself on me. Everything you saw was purely consensual."

I try to explain, but John's frown only deepens.

"How long has this been going on?" he asks again, demanding an answer.

I don't know where to begin…. Should I start from the night we first met about three years ago in Milan, or should I mention our recent reconnection a few months ago?

Who am I kidding?I should know by now that I have to tell the whole truth, including all the details. It might help John understand the relationship between Michael and me if he knows how it developed.

So, I begin by sharing how Michael and I met in Milan.

"It was almost three years ago," I start, "About six months into my stay in Milan for the internship. One night, I decided to explore the local nightlife, hoping to escape the stress of the work for a while."

John's gaze remains fixed on me, and his face shows mixed emotions. I can sense his skepticism and struggle to comprehend the situation, but I press on, determined to make him understand.
