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As he finishes speaking, all eyes turn to me, expecting my input. I clear my throat and look at John quickly before addressing the shareholders.

"Thank you, John, for your comprehensive presentation," I say, doing my best to hide our strained relationship. “The projections look promising, and we are indeed excited about the potential growth in these markets."

I see a flash of irritation in John's eyes, but he quickly composes himself and nods in acknowledgment. The shareholders seem oblivious to the tension between us, engrossed in the details of the business plan.

I continue, my voice steady as I outline our strategies and initiatives, carefully avoiding any direct clashes with John's ideas. It's a delicate dance, navigating the business conversation while tiptoeing around the broken personal relationship.

I choose my words carefully, maintaining a professional demeanor, while every fiber of my being yearning to let out the bottled-up frustration and anger.

Throughout the meeting, I catch glimpses of John's clenched fists and the subtle twitch of his jaw. It's clear he's struggling to keep his composure, just as I am. But for the sake of our company and the shareholders, we both push through, feigning unity and collaboration.

The shareholders ask questions, seeking reassurances and asking for more details. I respond with calculated precision, providing the necessary information while avoiding confrontational remarks.

I am tired of this constant battle to pretend nothing is wrong with the partnership between John and me. After the meeting concludes, John strides out of the conference room quickly, trying to avoid confrontation. But I can't let it go.

"Can we have a fucking conversation!" I yell, fueled by frustration and yearning for resolution. John finally stops, turning to face me, his eyes filled with restrained anger.

At that moment, it's as if the world narrows to just the two of us. Jessica, who watches from the periphery, wisely chooses to retreat, sensing the situation's intensity.

My hands are up in the air, reflecting my exasperation.

"Why are you doing this?" I demand, "You're going to throw away the years of our friendship just like that?" I snap my fingers.

John grits his teeth and clenches his jaws.

"That's the problem, Michael," he retorts. "You talk about the years of our friendship, yet you're the one fucking my niece. That's what I can't get over."

I feel my anger boiling up.

“Our relationship is not just physical. We love each other. Why can’t you hear us?"

John's jaw clenches, his face contorted in anger. But I refuse to back down.

"Listen to me, John. I love Serena," I tell him with a firm voice. "I fell in love with her three years ago, and I fell in love with her even more when I found her again. What we have is special. I'm sorry we kept our relationship a secret from you, but I'm not sorry for loving her."

"And I love her too!" John raises his voice, his eyes burning with frustration. "Do you know what I've done to ensure Serena has a good life? I've put everything on hold and made sacrifices to ensure she grows up happy. She's my life, my only family. All I've ever wanted is to give what’s best for her."

I raise an eyebrow and respond with skepticism, "Yet you've put her in a position to choose between us. Do you honestly think that's the best thing for her? Does she seem happy after she's made the agonizing choice?"

John is silent, and I can see the gears turning in John's mind.

"You think you're hurting me, but you’re hurting Serena the most. What you're doing is not best for her; deep down, you know it. You're doing it because you're selfish. Because you can't bear the thought of her being away from you."

John's face contorted with anger and pain from my words striking his nerve.

"Fuck you, Michael," he yells, turns around, and walks to his office, slamming the door shut behind him.

I stand in the empty hallway alone with mixed emotions. I know this conversation is far from over, and the future is still uncertain.

But I'm determined to fight for what I believe in and the love I share with Serena.

Chapter 20



I wake up to another dreary morning, the weight of my heart sinking deeper into my chest. The room is covered in darkness, reflecting my inner turmoil.
