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Ever since the day Michael and I broke up, the gnawing pain lingers and consumes my thoughts.

Tears have become my constant companion, falling like raindrops as I lie in bed, longing for what Michael and I used to have. I cry myself to sleep most nights with my shattered heart.

Michael was my reason for waking up with a smile on my face. He's gone, and I'm left drowning in an ocean of guilt and self-loathing.

Avoiding John has become my daily mission. I know it’s been eating him inside, but I didn't care. John forced me to choose between him and the love of my life, and I resent him for it. I hope he is happy with the result. The void Michael left feels unbearable, and I miss him so much.

My work has suffered too. I haven't been able to concentrate, lost in the memories of what I’ve lost. My boss has noticed my distracted state and finally gives me some time off, convincing me I’m not well.

And my boss is right. I haven't been feeling well. Mornings bring waves of sickness, and the scent of food makes me nauseous. It's almost as if my body is trying to tell me something, but I'm too lost in my misery to listen.

John has tried to take care of me, offering comfort and support. But I've been pushing him away, snapping at him every time he attempts to help. I don't want his pity or love; I only want Michael.

It's as if a wall has been built around me, shielding me from the world, and without Michael, I feel utterly alone.

My suspicions grow stronger daily, and I can no longer ignore the signs. I decide to get a pregnancy test kit, hoping it's all just a false alarm.

Holding the box in my trembling hands, I feel nervousness wash over me. I can't face this alone, so I dial Cassie's number.

"Hey, Cassie," I say so softly that Cassie can barely hear me. "I... I bought a pregnancy test kit."

Cassie's face contorted with concern. "Serena, take a deep breath. It might just be a false alarm. You need to take the test to be sure."

"But what if it's not a false alarm?" I choke, "What if I'm really pregnant?"

Cassie's words are gentle, her voice filled with reassurance. "Serena, everything will be okay. Maybe this is what will bring you and Michael back together. It could be the beginning of a new chapter, a chance for a fresh start."

With Cassie's encouragement, I gather my strength and head to the bathroom. The test feels heavy in my hand, a symbol of both hope and fear. I carefully follow the instructions, my heart pounding in my chest as I wait for the results.

Minutes tick by, each second feeling like an eternity. Finally, I muster the courage to look at the strip. And there it is. A small but unmistakable sign.

Two lines. I am pregnant….

Emotions flood through me like a tidal wave. Joy, fear, and uncertainty collide within my heart, and I crumble to the floor, tears streaming down my face.

The realization hits me with a mix of overwhelming emotions. I am carrying a tiny life inside me, a piece of Michael and me intertwined. It's a bittersweet revelation, knowing that this could connect us again, but also realizing the challenges this could cause.

I cling to the phone as if it were my lifeline, desperate for Cassie's voice to comfort me.

"Cassie, I… I'm pregnant," I manage to say through choked sobs.

Cassie pauses. She does not look shocked. Instead, she seems understanding.

"Serena, take a deep breath. This is a significant moment, and I understand it's overwhelming. But remember, you're not alone. You have people who care about you, and they will support you through this."

Her words offer a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. "What about Michael?" I ask, my voice trembling. "Do you think this will bring us back together?"

Cassie's voice holds a mix of optimism and caution. "Serena, it's impossible to predict the future. But this could be an opportunity for healing and re-evaluating what truly matters. Michael loves you deeply even though he was forced to be apart from you. Perhaps becoming parents together could bring you closer."

As I hang up the phone, I can't help but hold onto a flicker of hope that this pregnancy might be the catalyst for reuniting with Michael.

At that moment, I realize my life is about to change in ways I can't imagine.

The atmosphere in the dining room is heavy with tension as John and I sit across from each other, our plates filled with untouched food. I can feel his gaze burning into mine with a silent plea for connection. But I remain silent, unwilling to engage in conversation.

Tonight, I am here with a purpose—to break the news of my pregnancy to him. And if John can’t handle the news, so be it.

Finally, unable to bear the uncomfortable silence, John clears his throat and speaks.
