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Chapter 21

Unexpected Call


The soft glow of the dining room casts a gentle ambiance as I sit alone for a quiet dinner. The clinking of silverware fills the air, reminding me of my solitude.

As I sit alone at the dinner table, my thoughts are consumed by Serena. My heart aches for her presence. The room feels void as the familiar sounds of shared laughter and conversations are replaced by an eerie silence. Food tastes bland in my mouth, and my appetite wanes, longing for her company.

It’s so painful not being able to see her. I miss her warm smile and the soft touch of her hand.

I’ve fought against the temptation to visit her workplace just to catch a glimpse of her through the glass windows.

The urge to pick up my phone and call her to hear her voice is overwhelming. Yet, I resist, knowing the last thing I want is to cause her trouble with John. Instead, I find solace in our shared fond memories that once filled our lives.

But memories can hold me back only for so long.

The longing grows with each passing day, my heart aching with the desire to hold her close, to feel her warmth against my skin. Her presence brought me peace, and without her, I feel adrift, lost in uncertainty.

But I must stay strong, reminding myself of the decision Serena made. I want her to be happy, and I will honor her decision. If she wishes to preserve her relationship with John, I must stay away from her.

All of a sudden, my phone disrupts the stillness of the room and my thoughts.

I'm taken aback by John's name on the screen. It's been weeks since we last spoke, the wounds of our strained relationship still raw and unhealed. My hand trembles slightly as I answer the call, unsure of what awaits on the other end.

"Hello, John?" I inquire with mixed emotions.

But instead of the composed voice I anticipate from John, he is frantic, talking gibberish. His panic is evident even through the phone. I try to calm him down to understand what he is saying.

"John, slow down," I plead, "Tell me what's going on."

John's voice trembles with fear, his words coming out in disjointed fragments. "Michael…Serena…accident…"

My heart stops, and the world around me fades as John’s words hit me like a tidal wave.

"What!" I exclaim, dropping the silverware. Adrenaline runs through my veins, and a surge of panic overwhelms me, but I continue to speak to John urgently.

"John, hang on. Please take a deep breath and tell me where she is. What hospital?"

His voice quivers in fear. "Jackson Central Hospital…please, Michael…hurry."

In an instant, my mind goes into overdrive. Time ceases to exist as I grab my car keys, my hands trembling with anxiety. I dash out of the room, leaving behind the abandoned meal and the chaos of my thoughts.

The only thing that matters now is reaching Serena, ensuring her safety.

The car engine roars as I speed up through the familiar streets, my heart pounding like a battle drum. Images of Serena flood my mind—her laughter, smile, vibrant spirit. I can’t bear the thought of her in pain as her life hangs in the balance.

With each passing second, the distance to the hospital closes. The scenery blurs around me, streetlights streaking as I fly down the street at night. My grip on the steering wheel tightens, knuckles turning white as I drive my car even faster to outrun the fear that threatens to consume me.

As the hospital comes into view, I feel reassurance despite my heart still racing fast. I park the car with an abrupt screech, barely seeing the startled glances of passers-by. Every fiber of my being is focused on finding Serena and holding her close.

I burst through the hospital doors, my heart pounding in my ears as I approach the reception desk. Breathing fast, I ask, "Serena…Serena Coleman, please. Where is she?"

The receptionist sees me with a concerned look. "Sir, she's in the emergency room. Take a left and follow the signs."

My legs move on autopilot as I navigate the maze of corridors, the sterile scent of disinfectant filling my nostrils. Each step feels like an eternity as I repeat a prayer.

Finally, I reach the emergency room filled with tension. Nurses rush past me, focused on their patients in need. I spot John in the corner with his eyes bloodshot.
