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Our eyes meet, and we nod with a shared thought, desperately hoping that Serena will make it through this ordeal unscathed.

As I approach him, I can sense his guilt and fear.

"John, what happened?" I ask.

He exhales, his voice shaking, "She was in a car accident, Michael. I don't know all the details, but she was in a collision. We have to pray, Michael. We have to believe that she'll be okay."

In agreement, I squeeze John's shoulder and respond, "We will. We'll pray and believe that she’ll be okay. Serena is strong, John. She'll fight through this."

Time passes by as I pace anxiously outside the operating room, my heart pounding in my chest. Every passing second feels like an eternity; I pray for Serena's well-being with each heartbeat. The sterile hospital corridor, filled with antiseptic scents, heightens my sense of unease.

Finally, the double doors swing open, and a team of doctors emerges. My heart leaps as I hastened towards them, unable to hide my desperation.

"How is she? Is she going to be okay?" I blurt out.

One of the doctors stops short and makes eye contact with me. He takes a moment to assess who I am to the patient. I turn to John, who stands next to me, looking worried.

Without hesitation, I step forward and firmly state, "I'm Serena's boyfriend." I stare at the doctor, pleading for answers. John remains silent.

The doctor nods as his expression softens. He turns his attention to me, his voice calm and reassuring.

"She made it," he says, "It was uncertain at first, but she's now stable. She will have a full recovery."

Tears well up in my eyes with relief as I look at John, but he averts his gaze. The doctor's following words hit me like a lightning bolt.

"And congratulations, Michael. We also managed to save the baby."

My heart is frozen in disbelief. "What do you mean?" I ask in a whisper. "I don't understand."

The doctor nods with a warm smile and confirms, "Yes, based on our examinations, Serena is approximately six weeks pregnant."

Confusion still clouds my mind. Everything is a blur as I try to absorb this new information. Serena is carrying our child – a little life growing inside of her. A swell of emotions rises within me—joy, awe, and a sense of immense responsibility.

I turn to John, searching for answers, but his silence tells me he already knows. Our eyes meet briefly, his eyes brimming with sorrow and regret. The circumstances of Serena getting into a car accident while pregnant weigh heavily upon him, as they do upon me.

But now, John and I must set aside the complexities of our relationship and focus on what truly matters—Serena and the baby's well-being.

The doctor's words have touched me deeply, and tears well up in my eyes. I’m overwhelmed with emotions as I run a hand through my hair before I can speak.

"I… I don't know what to say," I stammer.

The doctor smiles, "We’ll continue to provide the best care possible," he replies, "I assure you Serena and the baby are in good hands." The doctor continues to explain the precautions and care Serena requires.

With gratitude in my heart, I thank the doctors feeling a sense of relief.

As the doctor exits the room, leaving us with renewed hope, I turn to John.

"How long have you known about the baby?" I ask him.

"I didn't know until today," John answers, shaking his head. "Serena was on her way to tell you," he murmurs with unspoken regret. "To share the news about the baby… when the accident happened."

Tears start to fill my eyes as I struggle to make sense of the circumstances that have brought us to this point. I promise myself to focus on taking care of Serena and the baby from this moment on rather than blaming myself and regretting what happened in the past.

Moments later, John and I stand outside Serena's hospital room. The door creaks open, and I step inside, my heart pounding. The room is lighted in a soft glow. The only sound I hear is the steady rhythm of Serena's breathing.

Approaching her bedside, I reach out to caress her cheek. "We're going to get through this, Serena," I whisper, "You're not alone. I'll be here every step of the way." I assure her.

With a heavy but determined heart, I settle into the chair beside her bed, refusing to leave her side. John looks at me from across the bed and nods, confirming that I can take good care of Serena and the baby.
