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Chapter 22



I smile as the gentle morning rays filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Serena's face. The sleepless night has taken its toll, but I’m staying by her side, waiting for her to wake up.

I continue to whisper words of love and encouragement, hoping she will hear my words somehow. Time passes as I remain sitting by her side, holding her hand. The soft rhythm of her breathing continues and calms my restlessness.

The door swings open, breaking the silence, and the doctor enters the room accompanied by John. I stand up and greet John and the doctor.

The doctor greets me with a warm smile and approaches Serena's bedside. His gaze shifts between Serena and her vital signs displayed on the monitors. I hold my breath, waiting for his assessment.

"Good morning," the doctor begins in a calm voice. "I've reviewed Serena's medical records and the reports from the operation. Everything went well, and she's currently doing well."

A wave of relief washes over me, and a heavy weight is lifted from my shoulders. I exhale slowly, with my eyes still fixed on Serena's face. The doctor's words give me hope that Serena will recover fully.

“However,” the doctor continues, "Once Serena wakes up, we'll need to keep her under observation to ensure her well-being and that of the baby." The doctor explains.

I nod and thank the doctor.

John stands by my side with his gaze fixed on the doctor. John and I exchange glances, silently confirming our responsibilities to support Serena throughout this journey.

The doctor's voice breaks the silence, addressing us both. "I understand this may be a challenging time for you both," he says with empathy. "But rest assured, Serena and her baby are in good hands. We will make sure they are well taken care of.."

"Thank you so much, doctor. It means a lot to us." I respond with a deep appreciation for the doctor's commitment.

The doctor smiles, "It's our duty," he responds.

As the doctor retreats from the room, an uncomfortable silence settles between John and I. I can feel his gaze fixed on me.

Finally, John breaks the silence and says, "I'm going to get us some coffee."

I respond with a grateful nod. John retreats from the room, leaving me alone with Serena again.

I take a deep breath and look at Serena's serene face. The soft glow of morning rays illuminates her features. She looks fragile, vulnerable, and my heart aches at the sight. I gently brush a strand of hair away from her face.

"I love you, Serena," I whisper, "I’m here for you through it all."

I lower my head to put my forehead gently to touch hers, hoping she hears me. The rise and fall of her chest, and the soft rhythm of her breathing, provide a calming effect on me.

Outside the room, life goes on, the hospital bustling with activities. Doctors, nurses, and patients traverse the hallways, and each is lost in their own world. But within this hospital room, time seems to stand still.

As I sit in the stillness, fond memories of our time together flood my mind.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps breaks the silence, and I raise my head to see John returning with two steaming cups of coffee. He smiles as he places one cup before me. I nod and thank him, appreciating the gesture.

The aroma of coffee fills the room. I take a sip, feeling the warmth going down my throat.

John sits beside me, and the silence continues, occasionally broken by the sound of sipping coffee. I can feel his gaze lingering on me, but neither of us can start a meaningful conversation. I occasionally make eye contact to let John know silently that I love Serena very much and am ready to do whatever it takes to support her and the baby.

As the room remains quiet, John clears his throat while his gaze is still fixed upon Serena's peaceful face. I turn my attention to him, recognizing his desire to speak. I meet his eyes, waiting for him to share his thoughts.

"Michael," John begins, "Do you truly love Serena?"

My response is immediate, "With all my heart," I reply without hesitation.

Silence comes back again as I watch John’s expression shift. I can only wonder what kind of turmoil his mind is in right now.
