Page 11 of One Big Lie

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JENNA: Have fun :-)

My message wasn't entirely a lie. After all, Brad felt like family, and our situation was certainly... complicated. I hit send before I could second guess myself, the message whizzing off into the digital ether. My guilt eased slightly, replaced by a fresh wave of nerves.

My thoughts drifted back to Brad. The chaos of the last few months seemed to fade away when I thought of him. He was my constant, my anchor in the storm.

My heart pounded in sync with the anticipation coursing through me - Brad, Brad, Brad!

A flicker of fear danced at the edges of my mind, though. What if things between us had changed? I took a deep breath, steeling myself. Whatever came next, I was ready. As long as Brad was there, I could face this conundrum.

My heart fluttered as a jet engine hummed closer, growing louder until the sleek private plane appeared, landing smoothly on the runway. I could barely contain the excited tremor in my hands as I watched the door open, revealing Brad.

His familiar figure stepped off the plane, and it was as if time stood still for a moment. He looked around, his gaze searching the small crowd. When his eyes landed on me, a grin broke out on his face, one that I mirrored instinctively.

"Courtney," he called, striding towards me. My breath hitched in my throat as he closed the distance, his arms enveloping me in a warm hug that felt like home.

"Brad," I murmured into his shoulder, my voice muffled by his jacket. Our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces, a testament to our months of longing and missed conversations.

Pulling back, he cupped my face, his fingers tracing my cheekbone before leaning down to kiss my lips softly. It was a sweet and slow kiss, promising more to come. His lips were as soft and warm as I remembered, making my heart flutter, and my stomach turn somersaults.

"Missed you, Court," he said, his husky whisper sending shivers down my spine.

"Missed you too," I replied, my words coming out breathlessly and filled with unspoken passion.

After a lingering moment, he pulled away, grabbing my suitcase with one hand while the other remained entwined with mine. "Ready to go?" he asked, his tone laced with an excitement that matched my own.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I answered, reassuringly squeezing his hand. He responded with a knowing smile, pulling me toward the jet.

As we took off, leaving Laramie behind, I nestled into my seat, Brad's hand never leaving mine. We shared a comfortable silence, the hum of the plane's engine providing a soothing backdrop to our thoughts.

"So," Brad finally broke the silence, his voice filled with curiosity, "tell me everything."

I shifted in my seat, my heart pounding in my chest as I pulled out the envelope containing the photos and note from my bag. Handing them over to Brad, I watched as his eyes scanned the images, his brows furrowing.

"These were in the package," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Brad nodded, continuing to examine the photos. The silence in the jet was heavy, filled with tension and unanswered questions.

He reached for the note, his face hardening as he read. The note was scribbled in handwriting I recognized as Nanc's.

Hey, Courtney,

I don't know if this is anything, but there's this guy who comes into the deli every day. Orders a lemon and ginger Olipop with his lunch and sits at the same spot, always facing the Rosedale building.

Something about him seems off. He steps outside often, taking photos with his phone aimed at your old workplace. Then he comes back in and spends hours pretending to read the newspaper with his earplugs in, but I can tell he's just watching the building.

I've been following the news about the Rosedale crew, and it got me thinking, could he be involved?

Remember when you used to order lunch for your office events? You'd occasionally include a lemon and ginger Olipop. It struck me as odd because we hardly ever sell those, especially not for delivery. But for a few days several months ago, that drink was included in your orders.

I don't know if this means anything, but I thought you should know.

Stay safe, Courtney.


His eyes flickered up to meet mine, a storm of emotions swirling within them. "Courtney, this is...this is something, and the guy in the image is definitely Clint Tyree."

"Yes, and it would be easy for Nanc to figure out that I was at the University of Wyoming. She probably asked someone there at Rosedale about me."

Brad nodded, "Yep, I think I heard Chase explaining to her you were no longer with Rosedale and that you were leaving to live out your dream by going back to school."
