Page 21 of One Big Lie

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Brad burst out laughing, his deep chuckle filling the room. "So, how does being a secret agent with a flip phone feel? It looks just like mine." Brad pulled his out of his pocket, laughing.

My cheeks burned hotter as I playfully shoved his shoulder. "Oh, shut up," I grumbled, though I couldn't suppress my own laughter. "It's just... with everything going on, I didn't connect the dots."

"I can see that," he teased, his laughter subsiding into a soft chuckle. "But hey, it happens. Stress does strange things to people."

My smile faded slightly as I thought about the truth in his words. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of change, worry, and uncertainty, and it seemed like my mind was struggling to keep up. But as I glanced at Brad, his gaze warm and understanding, I couldn't help but feel a little bit better.

Brad took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't beat yourself up about it," he advised. "You're dealing with a lot, Court. It's okay to get a little flustered."

I nodded, his words offering a comfort I didn't know I needed. Picking up the phone again, a sheepish grin spread across my face. "Well, at least now I'll always have a covert way to reach you."

Brad's answering smile was soft. "That's the idea, Court. Always. Covert or not."

After helping me set up the new phone, we decided to test it. Brad suggested I make a call to City Deli to see if there was any news. I dialed the number, my fingers trembling slightly as they navigated the small buttons. The manager picked up, his deep voice cutting through the silence of the room.

"Hi, this is Courtney Thompson," I said, my voice shaking slightly. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if Nanc had left a message for me?"

I could hear the manager shuffling through some papers before he responded, "Ah, yes, here it is. Nanc will give you a call back later today. Also, there's a message from someone else for you."

My heart skipped a beat, a knot forming in my stomach. "Who?"

"Clinton Tyree," the manager said, his voice neutral as if the name meant nothing. "Came in over the weekend, left his card for you."

My hand tightened around the phone, my mind racing. Brad, sitting across from me, caught the change in my expression.

"What is it?" he asked, his eyes searching my face.

I managed to stammer out, "Clint came into the deli this weekend!”

Brad's face hardened, his grip on my hand tightening. "What does he want?"

"I don't know," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. "The manager just said he left his card.”

Our eyes met, the news hanging in the air between us like a thick fog. The silence of the room was interrupted by my ordinary phone buzzing. It was Nanc returning my call. But at that moment, my mind was consumed by one thought—what could Clint possibly want with me?

I pushed away the fear, forcing a smile onto my lips. I had to stay strong for Brad. Taking in a deep breath, I answered Nanc's call and gasped when I heard her say—

"Clint said he has an offer you can't resist!"



Three Days Later

After an exhaustive trek from Laramie,Wyoming, the familiar vista of Casa Palacious greeted us, nestled in the heart of San Diego, California. The grandeur of the Spanish-style mansion, with its terracotta roof tiles and pristine whitewashed walls, stood as a beacon, guiding us home. Courtney and I shared a moment of comfortable silence, drinking in the sight of the palatial estate that held more than its fair share of our past.

We had toasted to good health and great fortune beneath its high wooden beams more times than we could count, reveled in the camaraderie of the Rosedale crew during countless parties, and danced barefoot on its moonlit terraces. Chase and Meagan had breathed new life into an old, rustic cabin on the property, transforming it into a home that was every bit as beautiful as the love story it housed.

Beyond the mansion, the expansive estate stretched out, blending the manicured vineyard with nature's wild, untamed beauty. Nestled within, the stables stood proud, a testament to the estate's rich history. Some of the kids were taking turns riding Cookie, Meagan's horse, under her watchful eyes. Their youthful laughter rang out clear and bright, slicing through the evening air as they waved excitedly at us upon our arrival.

Yes, Casa Palacious was more than just an estate. It was a treasure trove of memories and shared experiences, each corner echoing with our past laughter and whispered secrets. The very air seemed to hum with a welcome as we pulled up, the ground beneath our feet resonating with the warmth of homecoming.

Courtney looked over at me, her eyes bright, her face pale against the setting sun. A small smile played at the corners of her mouth, the kind that spoke of anticipation and nervous excitement. I reached over and squeezed her hand, a silent promise that we were in this together. The air was filled with anticipation, the energy almost tangible. I could feel eyes on us, people watching, waiting for something, anything, to reveal the reason for our unexpected return.

In the midst of it all, Courtney was a pillar of strength. She held her head high, her eyes sparkling with resolve. But I could feel the tension in her hand, the slight tremble that betrayed her calm exterior.

I knew what was going through her mind because it was echoing in my own. We were on the brink of revealing a secret that had been buried deep within the folds of Rosedale history, a mystery that had terrorized us for years.
