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"I have to tell him the truth. But honestly, if he is a friend of your father's and lives in Vail, I'm sure he is already aware."

"First things first. Let's just get through the interview tomorrow..."

I nodded. We will," I echoed, turning off the lamp and pulling Amy closer.

As we drifted off to sleep, the music from my audio system lulling us into a peaceful slumber, I knew we had a lot of work to do. But for now, I was content just holding Amy close, grabbing a few stolen hours together — before her parents returned to San Diego!

Chapter Seven


Dressed to the nines in his tailored suit, Mitch oozed that irresistible executive charisma as he glanced at his watch. He shot me a teasing grin and offered, "One last cup of coffee before Ms. Morris arrives? What do you say?"

“I think I’ll pass,” I said, my stiletto tapping rhythmically on the floor as I gazed at the tranquil beach scene outside. “I’m already nervous as hell.”

Mitch chuckled, "Why not try my famous green tea instead?" He twirled me around playfully, and I couldn't help but question, "How come you're so cool about all this? We've never raised a kid before."

"Hey, at least you've babysat! The only sitting I've done involves dogs," Mitch quipped, pulling me into the kitchen with an irresistible grin.

As we sipped our drinks, we brainstormed questions to ask Ella. "Maybe we should ask about her take on discipline?" I offered.

"Good one," Mitch concurred. "And her educational philosophy is a must."

Our brainstorming spiraled into the ridiculous as our nerves took hold. "Should we ask her favorite ice cream flavor?" I laughed, feeling a bit foolish.

Mitch beamed, "Absolutely! It's a nanny's most vital qualification, after all!"

We shared a laugh as the ticking clock on the wall taunted, reminding us that time was running short to find someone to care for Mitch's soon-to-arrive little girl.

At exactly 10:00 AM, the doorbell chimed. We exchanged jittery looks before Mitch swung the door open. Ella stood before us, her stern expression framed by dark hair pulled back into a severe bun. Her piercing gaze seemed to size us up as she stepped inside, the impeccable navy-blue suit adding to her commanding presence. Admittedly, I felt slightly intimidated as she extended a firm handshake, her grip unyielding.

Throughout the interview, I found strength in Mitch's reassuring presence beside me. We delved into Ella's background with kids, her thoughts on discipline and education, and even her preferred ice cream flavor. With each answer, my concerns dissipated until I was convinced she was the one. It seemed Mitch had discovered the ideal nanny, even though she was our sole candidate.

"So, Ella," Mitch began, his voice feigning confidence, "how do you tackle discipline in challenging situations?"

Ella's reply was unwavering yet gentle, "I believe in establishing clear boundaries and expectations from the get-go. Consistency is paramount. Kids need to understand the consequences of their actions, but they should also be rewarded for good behavior."

Her answer impressed me, and I nodded in agreement. "What about your educational philosophy? How do you think kids learn best?"

A small smile graced Ella's lips as she leaned back in her chair. "Each child is unique, and their learning style may differ. That's why I tailor my teaching methods to the individual child, ensuring they receive the support they need to flourish."

I stole a glance at Mitch, who appeared to be softening toward Ella. "Just for kicks," I piped up, "what's your go-to ice cream flavor?"

Ella's stern expression melted into a genuine grin. "Mint chocolate chip. Takes me back to my own younger days."

We shared a laugh, and Mitch and I exchanged a conspiratorial glance. Had we found the one? As the interview seemed to be wrapping up, Ella posed a question to Mitch. "Would you be so kind as to show me around your abode? I'd like to familiarize myself with the space I might be working in and gain some insight into your dynamic. It's crucial for all parties involved."

Mitch cleared his throat. "Yes, yes, absolutely. Well, um, Amy here is my assistant, lending a hand with today's interview. I co-own Rosedale Technologies."

I trailed Mitch as he filled Ella in on his circumstances, expressing his willingness to learn from the nanny should she be inclined to teach him. But when we stepped into his bedroom, I spotted a glaring issue. The bed was unmade, and it was apparent two people had slept in it — the pillows were cozy, and only one side of the covers had been thrown back. Moreover, two pairs of shoes sat nearby — one noticeably larger than the other.

"I thought you two implied you weren't an intimate couple,” Ella remarked, raising an eyebrow and shooting me a glance.

Mitch and I shared a look. She had us there. "Uh, no," Mitch drawled, "it isn't what it seems. Amy and I are merely friends." He cocked his head, motioning to the disheveled bed. "I suppose we're a bit more than just friends."

I grinned, and Ella nodded pensively. After a stretch of quiet, she spoke again. "Isn't the term 'friends with benefits'? That's more accurate, no?"

"Yes. That's exactly it!" Mitch concurred.
