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Ella faced me, taking in my flushed cheeks. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, but honesty is crucial. My resume and references back up my claims about myself. However, I must trust your word. It's vital to tread carefully, especially with a baby involved, as situations can spiral quickly."

"I'm sorry, ma'am," I mumbled, feeling like I had just put my foot in my mouth. What did I just hear Mitch say? But before I could wrap my head around it, Ella turned her attention to Mitch.

"I've seen the headlines about Rosedale. How long do you intend to keep your company afloat? Mr. Detwiler, besides revamping your lovely home to suit a child, are you financially prepared to employ a nanny?"

Mitch stood tall, meeting her gaze head-on. "I respect your candidness, Ella. You're right; honesty is vital. While Rosedale Technologies is my main focus, I have other ventures that guarantee my financial security. I can promise you a competitive salary and the means to modify this house to make it suitable for a child."

Ella's lips puckered thoughtfully, weighing his words before delving deeper. "And what of your dedication to this little one? With your business teetering, can you truly devote the time and energy required to be a committed father?"

Mitch's jaw clenched, but his cool demeanor remained. "Ella, I appreciate your concerns. But let me be clear, my first and foremost responsibility is my daughter's well-being. I'll do everything in my power to create a nurturing and supportive home for her."

Ella nodded, apparently appeased by his answer. Now on the offensive, Mitch inquired, "So tell me, Ella, why did you leave your previous nanny position?"

Pausing momentarily, she replied, "The family I worked for relocated to Europe, but I couldn't bring myself to follow. This region holds a special place in my heart, and I wanted to remain."

As I absorbed Mitch and Ella's exchange, an undercurrent of discomfort became evident. Both seemed intent on proving their worth to the other. Although Ella's questions were direct and borderline intrusive, Mitch retained his poise and sincerity in his responses.

Aiming to alleviate the tension, Mitch questioned, "What do you think of my home?"

Ella's stern visage eased slightly as she answered, "It holds promise. But as I mentioned earlier, adjustments must be made for it to be child ready."

"I'm willing to make those changes," Mitch reassured her.

Their conversation continued, growing more at ease. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that Ella may not be the ideal fit for Mitch and his way of life, or even for me – though my own position remained uncertain. Despite my reservations, our lack of alternatives and time constraints led me to reluctantly acquiesce to their arrangement.

"So, where does this leave us?" I interjected, seeking closure.

Mitch extended his hand, stating, "I believe it leaves us here. Welcome to the team. I'm grateful to have you as Ava's nanny."

Ella's demeanor softened further as she accepted his handshake. "Thank you, Mr. Detwiler. And if you'd like assistance when collecting your baby, I'd be more than happy to accompany you to Colorado. Navigating air travel with an infant is a daunting task, even for seasoned pros."

"Thanks, I might just take you up on that offer!" Mitch admitted, rubbing his neck.

With Ella gone, I released my pent-up frustration. "Mitch, how could you dismiss the fact that I stayed the night? We agreed we were just friends, yet you nonchalantly went along with Ella's insinuation that we were friends with benefits?"

My outburst caught Mitch off guard. He claimed he merely aimed to diffuse Ella's probing with his compliance. I folded my arms, narrowing my eyes at him. "Well, you should've come up with a better strategy. I refuse to be labeled as your friend with benefits!"

"Amy, I'm sorry," Mitch's voice softened, pleading. "I never meant to hurt you or make you feel uneasy. Please, don't be upset. You're everything I need right now."

I shook my head, emotion welling up behind my eyes. "No, Mitch. This is all too much, too soon. After last night, I need some room to breathe and make sense of it all."

Not waiting for his reply, I snatched my purse and stormed toward the entrance, my heels tapping rhythmically against the parquet flooring. Mitch trailed after me, seizing my arm just as I reached for the doorknob. "Please, Amy, don't leave. I need you here, now more than ever. I can't handle all of this on my own."

I hesitated, my determination faltering momentarily, but I knew I had to create some distance. "I'm sorry, Mitch," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I just need some time."

I wriggled free from his hold and stepped out, summoning an Uber as I paced the sidewalk, struggling to sort through the emotional tornado threatening to sweep me off my feet. One side of me yearned to go back and support Mitch, but the other side insisted on putting space between us to untangle my feelings.

The Uber arrived, and I slid into the backseat, stealing one last look at Mitch's bungalow as we pulled away. He lingered in the doorway, his expression a blend of heartache and disbelief. Guilt stabbed at me, but I shoved it aside, reminding myself that I had to prioritize my own needs.

As we approached my apartment, my phone vibrated with a new text message. Mom. She and Papa had returned to San Diego and wanted to know my whereabouts. Hesitating, I weighed my options before telling them I was headed home and would update them on recent events when I got there.

Well, maybe not everything. My day would only spiral further downhill if I revealed the full extent of Mitch's and my escapades. Despite Papa's sympathetic stance on Mitch needing a lawyer, they'd both be in a state of panic if they knew a stalker had trailed us the previous night and likely knew the location of the apartment.

When I finally reached my apartment, I felt certain I'd made the right decision. I needed to reflect on what had transpired, untangle my emotions toward Mitch, and prioritize my well-being. It was crucial to guard my heart and look after myself before considering a future with him—and my future at Rosedale.

So why were tears streaming down my face!?

Chapter Eight
