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"So, since we both recognized him, that means there is a good chance the guy that kidnapped me in Vail was Alex!" Amy whispered as the realization of what they had discovered was sinking in.

“Yes, I guess so. But why?" Meagan sniffed.

As we prepared to leave the police station, Agent Carter joined us in the hallway. "I want you all to know that we're doing everything we can to bring this case to a close," he said, his eyes betraying a hint of the turmoil he seemed to be working to control. "But there's still a long road ahead. You've shown tremendous courage today, and you'll need that strength as we continue to pursue justice."

"We understand that," I said. "We've been living in this horror story for how long now?"

"I've lost count of the fucking years and months," Chase hissed.

As Chase drove us away from the police station, the atmosphere in the car was a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and lingering anxiety. Meagan's breakdown reminded us of the trauma she and Amy had endured, and realizing there was still a long way to go before they could truly move on was sobering.

Suddenly my phone buzzed with a text from Guy. "Guy's asking if we're on our way home yet!" I said, texting him back that we were. "He's excited. He says Ariel and Elana are fixing a massive Italian dinner that will be ready when we get to Casa Palacious."

"I love this family," Amy said. "Looks like Mum and Papa do too. I hope Mum has made some tiramisu."

Chase pulled the Escalade into the driveway of Casa Palacious, the warm glow of the lights from inside the house radiating a welcoming atmosphere. The delicious aroma of Italian food greeted us as we entered the front door. We could hear laughter and conversation coming from the kitchen.

Martha came out to greet us, her face lighting up with relief at the sight of us. "Oh, thank goodness you're back," she said, hugging each of us. "The twins have been asking for you non-stop, but they're finally asleep and so is Ava.”

"We really appreciate you watching them, Martha," Meagan replied, her voice filled with gratitude.

“Yes, we do. It's been a long day,” Amy added.

Elana and Ariel emerged from the kitchen, their arms laden with steaming pasta dishes, garlic bread, and fresh salads. They set the table with a flourish, inviting us to sit and dig in.

As we gathered around the table, the tension and anxiety of the day seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of comfort and camaraderie. Knowing that Alex was behind bars and Giuseppe had assured us the FBI would handle the investigation instead of Carter, it felt like a weight had been lifted.

Amy's eyes lit up when she saw a large dish of tiramisu, Martha's specialty, placed on the table. "Mum, you made tiramisu! You know it's Meagan's favorite," she exclaimed, hugging her mother tightly.

Martha chuckled. "I thought we could all use a little something sweet after such a trying day," she said, her eyes twinkling.

Guy uncorked a bottle of wine, filling our glasses as we began enjoying the feast. The mood around the table was light and jovial, a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil we had faced earlier in the day as Giuseppe raised his glass in a toast. "To the investigation! The FBI has been notified. This Carter person will not be involved in questioning Alexander Steele!"

"Alexander Steele?" Meagan asked.

"Agent Downing just texted me. He is already working on the case! Alexander Steele is Alex’s real name."

With the wine flowing and the laughter reaching a crescendo, we took the chance to fully enjoy the moment and acknowledge a minor triumph that brought new energy and renewed hope to the Rosedale crew.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Three Months Later

The sky was a brilliant blue, speckled with cotton candy clouds as the sun cast a golden glow over the beach just outside my mother's penthouse apartment. The ocean waves gently lapped at the shore, creating a soothing melody and setting the tone for my perfect day. The boardwalk, adorned with twinkling fairy lights, was covered with a silken runner that awaited my procession toward the love of my life.

Inside Mum's penthouse, the air buzzed with excitement and anticipation. I stood in front of the mirror, taking in my reflection as my beautiful Vera Wang gown shimmered in the soft light. I felt like a princess, ready to marry her prince. Ariel and Meagan, both dressed in their lilac bridesmaid gowns, flanked me on either side, their eyes filled with love and support.

"Can you believe the day is finally here?" Meagan asked, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and excitement.

"I know, it's surreal," I replied, my heart pounding in my chest.

Ariel chimed in, grinning from ear to ear. "You look absolutely stunning, Amy. Mitch won't be able to take his eyes off you."

I felt my cheeks flush as I smiled at my dear friends. "Thank you, besties. I couldn't have done this without you."

With a final touch to my veil, we were ready. The soft music began to drift up from below, signaling that it was time for the procession to begin. Ariel and Meagan each gave me a quick hug before gracefully stepping out of the apartment and into the private glass elevator that would take them down to the boardwalk, and I would soon be close behind them.
