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"We need to eat," Brad mentioned, pulling a couple of granola bars from his backpack. He handed one to me with a smile. "Here you go, hiking buddy."

"Thanks," I said, grinning back at him as I took the granola bar. We happily munched on them, savoring each bite and enjoying the serenity of the moment.

As we sat there, our eyes locked, and I felt a sudden urge to confess my growing feelings for him. The words hung heavy in my throat, but before I could utter them, Brad spoke up.

"Courtney, this trip has been unforgettable," he said, his voice tender and filled with emotion. "I can't help but feel that we've found something special together."

I felt my heart swell at his words, and I knew it was time to share my own feelings. "Brad, I couldn't agree more. I never expected to find someone like you on this journey. You've become more than just a friend to me."

His eyes shone with happiness, and he leaned in, closing the distance between us. Our lips met in a sweet, tender kiss that felt like the culmination of all the emotions we'd experienced on our adventure.

When we finally pulled apart, I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. "No matter where our paths take us, Brad, I'll always keep our Yosemite camping trip close to my heart.”

He wrapped his arm around me, drawing me closer. "I feel the same way, Courtney. And who knows? Maybe fate will find a way to bring us back together, no matter where we end up."

As the sun dipped behind the horizon, painting the sky with a breathtaking array of colors, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Our future might be uncertain, but the connection we'd formed was something that could never be broken. And maybe, just maybe, fate would lead us back to each other in pursuit of our dreams and the friendship that had blossomed between us.

Returning to the campground, we fired up the camp stove and used the last of our supplies to fix a scrumptious meal. Then, once our sleeping bags were combined, we climbed in, our bodies pressed against each other, sharing warmth and comfort. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. His arms wrapped around me protectively, and I felt an overwhelming sense of safety and belonging.

"Brad," I whispered, the words catching in my throat. "You know, we haven't spoken about the Rosedale case because this vacation was meant to be a relief from all the stress. But I just wanted to say that I hope everything goes well when Agent Carter and the FBI question that Alexander Steele guy. Maybe he'll shed some light on the mystery and help you figure out who's behind everything."

Brad's arms tightened around me, and I could feel the gratitude in his embrace. "Thank you, Courtney," he murmured. "Your support means the world to me, and I'm so grateful that we've been able to share this time together, away from all the chaos. You've made this trip unforgettable."

Our lips met in a slow, tender kiss, the warmth of the fire and the intimacy of the moment igniting a passion that had been building. We nestled close, our bodies gracefully entwining as if completing a long-awaited dance. The sounds of the campground were hushed, and the enveloping darkness embraced us as we tenderly melded together.

Chapter One


Two Months Later

"Excuse me! Could you please assist me in locating classroom 302-C?" I inquired, displaying my class schedule and indicating the room number to the aide.

My heart raced with anticipation as I navigated the unfamiliar hall of the University of Wyoming, eager to dive into the next chapter of my life. After leaving Brad and my friends in San Diego, I was determined to make the most of this opportunity back home in Wyoming and prove to myself that I could thrive on my own.

"Is that Innovative Design Principles? If it is, it's been moved to 441-A," the aide replied.

As I continued to the relocated classroom, I noticed a girl standing nearby, her brows furrowed in confusion as she glanced at her class schedule. Despite our shared predicament, her striking appearance caught my eye—she had long, wavy blonde hair and eyes that seemed to hold a secret, mischievous glint. Little did I know that this small detour would ultimately lead me to Jenna, my new roommate that I had only met a few hours ago.

“Oh, Jenna. That’s you,” I giggled, surprised and a bit confused.

"Are you heading to English 101?" Jenna asked me, clearly hoping we were both searching for 441-A. Her voice was warm and friendly, a perfect reflection of her personality.

"No, 441-A is my design class and it starts in five minutes,” I said, biting my lip as I looked around, trying to make sense of the labyrinth of hallways.

Together, we managed to decipher the building's layout and finally found the location of the classrooms. I wondered if our shared experience of getting lost on our first day of college would set the tone for our burgeoning friendship.

Giggling, I rushed off to 441-A and squeezed into the last seat on the first row.

The thought of working on my first design project filled me with both anxiety and excitement. I was eager to prove myself and put my newfound knowledge to the test. I could already picture the different designs I would experiment with, the colors I would choose, and the satisfaction I would feel once I created something I was proud of.

Yet, I was thankful for the skills I had learned at Rosedale Technology. I had gained confidence and learned the importance of loyalty, even to myself. So here I was, sitting in my design class with a newfound sense of security and focus.

It was at that moment I realized how far I had come from just a few months ago, living in fear of the psycho who was haunting the halls and homes of my friends and colleagues at Rosedale.

A few hours later, in humanities class, I found myself staring out the window pondering how the opportunity to start college had come to pass. On the one hand, I was grateful to my father for persuading me to leave San Diego and move back to our Wyoming ranch. I had missed the land's rugged beauty and the peaceful serenity that came with it. But on the other hand, I missed Brad and my life working at Rosedale Tech.

In the past, I had yearned for a break from the harsh winters and moved to San Diego to get a job and have some fun. The city's sunny beaches and vibrant culture had been a welcome change from the snowy mountains and sparse population of Wyoming. However, now that I was living my dream away from my loved ones, especially Brad, I found myself continuously homesick for San Diego.
