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The waitress stepped forward, pad and pen ready to take our orders. I opted for a simple Scotch, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Courtney. My colleagues made their orders in turn, the waitress jotting everything down with a professional smile before excusing herself from the room.

Once she had exited, Giuseppe moved to close the door, turning the lock with a soft click. He then strode to the windows, pulling the shades down until they were only half-open, allowing a soft, diffused light to filter into the room. His every action was measured and deliberate, speaking volumes about his experience in such matters.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of relief knowing we were in capable hands. It was time to delve deeper into this game of subterfuge. However, the worry for Courtney still gnawed at me, casting a shadow over the evening, and we had to act swiftly.

Giuseppe looked at me, his expression a blend of concern and resolve. "Brad, I've anticipated this," he said, his voice firm but composed. "My brother Antonio has a guy, Dylan, who's been keeping an eye on Courtney. He's also been watching her roommate, Jenna, just to be sure."

I blinked, surprised but grateful for his foresight. Giuseppe was always a step ahead.

He continued, "Let's get a message to her. Ask her for a safe place where you can meet. Her safety is paramount."

I nodded, quickly composing the message and hitting send. Courtney’s response was prompt:

The Circle T, our family ranch in Cody. Dad's away for a few weeks. We'll have plenty of privacy to discuss things over the weekend without me missing classes.

Relaying the message to the group, a sense of relief swept over us. We finally had a plan, a tangible way to keep Courtney safe while we unraveled Clint's deceit, our former trusted colleague. The game was far from over, but we felt prepared to confront whatever lay ahead.

"Alright," Giuseppe commanded, the room echoing with his authoritative tone. "Brad, you need to get to Courtney immediately. I've arranged a private jet for you to Laramie. Pick Courtney up there, and proceed to Cody."

Without missing a beat, he dialed his pilot. The room descended into a tense silence, punctuated only by the soft murmurs of Giuseppe's conversation. His words were indistinct, but his demeanor was unequivocally professional.

After concluding his call, he turned back to me, nodding affirmatively. "Done. The jet will be ready for you in two hours at the San Diego Municipal Airport."

With a determined clench of my jaw, I agreed. I was prepared to do whatever was necessary to protect Courtney. As I left Bella Vita, my thoughts were consumed with strategies and fallback plans. But amidst the whirlwind of planning, one resolve remained steadfast—I couldn’t wait to hold Courtney in my arms again.

Chapter Five


A tumultuous flutter of nerves cascaded through me as I stood at Laramie Airport. The echoes of bustling passengers were a distant murmur. Four months had transformed into an eternity since I last saw Brad. The prospect of our reunion set my heart on a rollercoaster ride, with anxiety overwhelming the joy of the occasion, nipping at my calm.

In need of a distraction, I reached for my phone. But as I aimlessly scrolled through social media, I knew it was a fruitless endeavor. Instead, my thoughts were ensnared by Brad—his infectious laughter and the sparkle in his eyes during our video calls. His image was carved into my mind's canvas.

The magnitude of how much I missed him was daunting. But it was an admission I wasn't quite ready to confront.

Amidst my anticipation, a pang of guilt snuck up on me. Jenna. I hadn't told her about my sudden departure. She'd been in the library when I left, her nose buried in textbooks and her mind a million miles away from whatever secret I might be harboring. Pulling up our text conversation, I chewed my lip, pondering what to say.

ME: Hey Jenna! Got an unexpected trip back to San Diego—family stuff. Be back in a few days!

JENNA: Have fun :-)

My message wasn't entirely a lie. After all, Brad felt like family, and our situation was certainly... complicated. I hit send before I could second guess myself, the message whizzing off into the digital ether. My guilt eased slightly, replaced by a fresh wave of nerves.

My thoughts drifted back to Brad. The chaos of the last few months seemed to fade away when I thought of him. He was my constant, my anchor in the storm.

My heart pounded in sync with the anticipation coursing through me - Brad, Brad, Brad!

A flicker of fear danced at the edges of my mind, though. What if things between us had changed? I took a deep breath, steeling myself. Whatever came next, I was ready. As long as Brad was there, I could face this conundrum.

My heart fluttered as a jet engine hummed closer, growing louder until the sleek private plane appeared, landing smoothly on the runway. I could barely contain the excited tremor in my hands as I watched the door open, revealing Brad.

His familiar figure stepped off the plane, and it was as if time stood still for a moment. He looked around, his gaze searching the small crowd. When his eyes landed on me, a grin broke out on his face, one that I mirrored instinctively.

"Courtney," he called, striding towards me. My breath hitched in my throat as he closed the distance, his arms enveloping me in a warm hug that felt like home.

"Brad," I murmured into his shoulder, my voice muffled by his jacket. Our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces, a testament to our months of longing and missed conversations.

Pulling back, he cupped my face, his fingers tracing my cheekbone before leaning down to kiss my lips softly. It was a sweet and slow kiss, promising more to come. His lips were as soft and warm as I remembered, making my heart flutter, and my stomach turn somersaults.
