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He chuckled. “I missed you too.” His arms were around her, but she could see the weariness on his face.

“Tough day?” she asked, taking his hand and pulling him toward the couch.

“Not tough, just long. We were knocking out walls and putting up new sheetrock today. Always feels like a forever long day.”

“I’ll serve supper. Tricia has it keeping warm in the oven for us.”

“Let me get a quick shower. I’m covered in grime. I’ll be ready to eat in ten minutes.”

“Hurry, or I’ll eat all the food,” she warned him.

“As sad as that statement is, I completely believe you. The enchiladas smell delicious.”

“I think she did ground beef with sour cream sauce, which is my absolute favorite.”

“I’ll hurry.”

By the time he was back downstairs, the table was set, and she had taken the enchiladas from the oven. She served them both three of the enchiladas, and added some of the rice and beans Tricia had made as sides.

“Oh, your cholesterol is fine,” she said. “Got the results back this morning.”

“So I can eat all the cheese and red meat I want?”

She sighed. “Everything in moderation.”

“I’d like to see you eat that in moderation,” he said. “I know how much you love those enchiladas. Your mom used to make them.”

“She was stationed in Texas during the Gulf War, and she worked in a couple of different restaurants there. I wouldn’t trade her ability to cook good Tex-Mex for anything.”

He laughed, taking her hand and praying over their meal. As soon as they’d said amen, she cut off a bite and ate it. “Oh, this is wonderful! Did you get the recipe from my mom?”

“Sure did. I thought it might make you feel welcomed.”

“It did. No doubt about that.” She took another large bite, this time scooping some of the beans on her fork as well. “Now, if we just had queso…”

He laughed. “I’m sure we’ll have queso soon.”

“I invited Tricia and Jeff to supper on Saturday night. If you don’t want to cook, we’ll order something in.”

“Sounds good.”

“Tricia said he’ll want to see the before and after pics of the house.”

“I have them in a photo album upstairs. I’ll make sure I show them. I probably should have taken the time to make friends with Jeff before. Sounds like we have a lot in common.”

“I agree,” Shelby said. “Tricia said he would go nuts over all the work you’ve done here. You should invite him to help with the next house. I can’t call it a new house, because it’s definitely not new, but it’s going to be beautiful.”

“Yeah, I’d be happy to let him help if he really wants to.” Nate finished eating and pushed his plate away. “I think we’ll have enough for tomorrow night too.”

“I don’t know. I haven’t had my bedtime snack yet,” Shelby said, eyeing the enchiladas and wondering if she could eat just one more. They sure sounded good.

Chapter Seven

By Friday afternoon, Shelby was dragging. It had been a busy week, and all she wanted to do was spend the weekend with Nate.

He was home before she was, which was a good sign, and she hurried inside. He was sitting on the couch, watching more cooking videos. “I didn’t plan anything for supper,” he said, having no idea what they would do.

“We can go out or order something in,” she said. She had no desire to go out, but if he wanted to, she would.
