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She laughed, moving her hand to his chest. “Ditto.”

“Let’s get out of here before we splash water all over this brand new floor.”

She didn’t have to be asked twice, standing up, she climbed over him and got out of the tub. Looking back over her shoulder, she asked, “Aren’t you coming?”

Tossing him a towel, she dried off with another and moved toward the bed. There was no reason for any pretty sleepwear that night, because she knew her husband well enough to know he’d take it right off her.


Shelby felt that everything was rather perfect the next day, and her nurses noticed as well as her sister. “What’s gotten into you?” Rachel asked. “Well, other than Nate of course.”

Shelby shook her head. “I’m in love with the man I’m married to. Who could ask for anything more from life?”

“Not me,” Rachel said. “Andrew makes me feel the same way.”

“As he should.”

“That reminds me,” Rachel said. “I think I might be pregnant. You want to test me?”

Shelby frowned. “I can test you, but I’m referring you to an OB. I’m not delivering any babies for anyone in my family!”

Rachel nodded. “Let me get you a sample.”

Instead of getting one test out, Shelby grabbed two, deciding to test herself as well. Why not? She’d been married for over a month, and it wasn’t like they hadn’t been practicing their baby-making skills very frequently.

She ran a sample of her own at the same time as she ran Rachel’s, putting an R on Rachel’s and an S on her own.

She waited the three minutes and looked. Stunned at the results, she went into the reception area, and sat down beside her sister. “Wouldn’t it be fun to have cousins born about the same time?” she whispered.

Rachel turned to her and squealed. “Both of us?”

Shelby nodded emphatically. “Both of us. We’ll have to invite ourselves to Mom’s for supper on Sunday, and we’ll tell her at the same time. Can you stay quiet til then?”

“I have to tell Andrew,” Rachel said.

“And I have to tell Nate. Just no one else. Not even Angela!”

Rachel stuck out her finger for a pinky swear, something the girls had done often when they were younger.

There was a patient at the window frowning at them when they looked up. Shelby laughed. “Sorry, my sister and I were just reminiscing a bit.”

The woman laughed. “No problem. I know what it’s like to have sisters.”

As Shelby returned to the back for the next patient, she couldn’t help but think about the baby growing inside her. A baby of hers and Nate’s created with all the love they had inside them.

When Shelby got home that evening, Nate was already there and putting supper on the table. “Thank God for Tricia,” he said as he looked at her.

Shelby knew she shouldn’t tell him so quickly, and she should set up a special occasion meal or something before she told him, but she couldn’t help herself. Walking into his arms, she kissed him. “I have some news…”

He frowned. “News? Don’t tell me you found your dream house and you want to move again!”

She laughed. “Nothing like that.” She took a deep breath as she looked up into his eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

He stood for a moment, staring at her. “Seriously?”

She nodded, so excited she was ready to burst. He sat down in the chair behind him. “Seriously. I can’t quite believe it, but I had all the signs, so I did a test at work today, and I am. But we can’t tell anyone til Sunday.”

“But I have to tell my mom.”
