Page 49 of Running

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“Fuck yes!” He smashes his lips to mine. Our kiss is raw and dirty. I have to keep my hands under control and remember that there are people around.

Tomorrow I can strip him naked and have my way with him.



THE MUSIC BEGINSto play. Its soft melody bounced around the walls of the Cathedral. My hands are sweating even though I’m not nervous. Massimo and Val stand by my side as my groomsmen. I’m not nervous to marry Elena. I love her. I can’t wait to see where our lives take us. What does have me sweating is the lingering thought that she might run. I don’t want to believe it. I trust her when she says she is done. However there is that small part of me that has a slight hint of a doubt.

The front doors open. I hold my breath. Massimo gives a laugh beside me. “She’s coming bro. Relax. She loves you.” I release only half a breath. I need to see her.

Milan steps through the doors first. She walks slowly down the aisle. She is smiling brightly. A real and true smile. There is no animosity between any of us. She still has a bit of a crush on me. I see it from time to time when she looks at me. It doesn’t bother me like it used to. She is opening herself up to finding someone else now. As soon as she does, she won’t give me another thought.

Any man will be lucky to have her. Especially now that her ridiculous heels, tight dresses, and heavy make-up are gone. Today she wears an outfit similar to the ones she now wears daily. Elena wanted her comfortable. She wears a flowing floor length maroon gown, light make-up and her new converse sneakers. They don’t go at all with the dress but Elena insisted she could wear them anyway.

When she passed by her father. Her biological father, she smiles brightly. Mario gives her a wink. I meet her at the end of the aisle and give her a kiss on the cheek. “You look beautiful Milan.”

“Thank you.” She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “I'm happy for you Luca. Truly. We never would have worked. You needed someone stronger.”

My gaze drifts over her shoulder to the open doorway. Elena isn’t there. The sliver of fear creeps back up. “You'll find the person meant for you.”

Milan chuckles. “You mean you'll arrange it?”

I can’t help but to bark out a laugh. “We'll see.” I say as I give her a kiss on the forehead. She moves to her designated spot. The music changes. Our guests packing the pews all stand. My heart speeds up. Moment of truth. Is she here or did she run?

I take a deep breath and slowly move my eyes to the door. Bosco is alone in the entryway. No. Fuck. My feet carry me two steps before Massimo grabs my shoulder and holds me back. “Give it a second.” He says with a laugh. He’s had a long few nights. The dark circles under his eyes are exaggerated by his smile. He hasn’t complained. And he won’t. He never does.

Two nights ago we got a call. A woman was seen out on Tuesday with an Irish Capo and then going home with a Russian soldier Wednesday. On Thursday she was getting close to one of our own. She is currently locked in our basement. She refuses to talk. We don’t torture woman. Not physically. We have other ways of getting them to talk, but this woman is strong. She is holding out. She reminds me of my Elena.

I gave Massimo complete control. He has my approval to do what he feels he needs to do to get the information out of her. He won’t kill her. No permanent damage either. I hope.

Turning back to the door my mind returns to Elena. I begin to count.




There she is. My beautiful bride steps around the corner and links her arm around Bosco’s. Thank fuck! A massive smile dances on her face. The little vixen did it on purpose. She knew I would have a moment of panic.

Massimo gives my shoulder a squeeze then releases me.

Her eyes never leave mine and she makes her way down the aisle. Her father stops the two of them a step before me. I want to yank her out of his arms and pull her to me. He isn’t moving fast enough for me. I need her in my arms. Bosco turns and kisses her cheek. “Love you darling.” He whispers to her. I see the start of a tear in her eye before she blinks it away.

“Love you too dad”. The deadly Don sheds his tears. Unlike her he doesn’t blink them away. The man has no shame. Not today. Not when Elena just said she loved him in front of everyone.

He places Elena's hand in mine. Then grabs my shoulder, tightly and leans in to whisper in my ear. “You have always been like a son to me. Hurt her and she will hurt you back.” Elena hears and laughs. It’s not the usual threat a father would give the groom but it fits us perfectly. “Break her heart and I will destroy you.” There we go. That’s the usual one.

I give him a nod and pull Elena to me. “Never. Her heart is safe with me.”

“And yours with me.” She replies.

Bosco leaves to take his seat by Violet. No one is around to stop me now. I grab her cheeks and pull her mouth to mine. I need her lips on mine.

“Nope.” I hear Massimo shake his head more than I hear his words. “Nope none of that. You need to say I do first.”

“Pussy blocker.” Retorts Elena, not caring that we are standing in church just feet from the priest and with pews full of family and friends behind us. Massimo barks out a laugh. Followed by the rumblings of laughter from the entire church.

I give her a final peck on the lips and whisper in her ear, “I'll take care of your pussy later.” A shiver runs down her back as we step up to the priest.

Taking a moment to reflect on the past month, I look back at Elena. Really look at her. She is happy. Finally. She has a family. Some blood, some not.

She could have run. She didn’t.

Now she’s mine forever.
