Page 16 of Remember Home

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Lily’s eyes met John’s and the room seemed to fade away behind her. That warm smile and sparkle in his eyes was just for her. It was real and not imagined, hauntingly beautiful to behold with the stage lights shining down on his light brown hair. He extended his hand towards her and she saw it trembled, yet his smile was confident – encouraging. Lily stepped up onto the stage and realized she barely came to his shoulder as he looked down at her.

“Miss Hogan wrote a bittersweet letter reminding me what life was about and how much I missed home. I needed that and was lucky enough to have gotten her letter before a miracle happened,” he told her softly, staring at her. His hand tucked a curl behind her ear making her swallow hard at the quiet intimacy of it all. “My miracle. Now, I’ve got a promise to keep: Lily, will you join me for dinner tonight?”

Feeling her eyes tear up at his tender smile, she nodded, unable to speak. The massive roar of applause would have drowned out any words she’d said anyhow. The principal walked over and pointed just off stage, mouthing the words ‘wait over there’ to them. John grasped her hand and walked off stage with her away from the warm spotlights. Once in the shadow, he leaned down and softly kissed her cheek, lingering for the briefest moment.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” he whispered softly. She barely heard him over the sounds of her heart pounding nervously. It was devastating to smell the crisp, clean cologne on him and feel the whisker of his jaw as he did so. His eyes crinkled and curled up at the edges as he smiled at her.

“It’s nice to meet you too. I think I’m shaking and might faint,” she admitted and bit her lip, feeling silly. He gave a throaty laugh as Radar barked happily, watching and putting a paw up to shake hands.

“Me too, truthfully” John told her shyly. “This ol ’lady wants to make your acquaintance and keeps pawing at my foot for acknowledgement.” She saw that he had several scratches on the leather of his shoes confirming his words. Nothing seemed to phase the small bubble around them as they met in person for the very first time. He was more than she could have ever hoped or imagined.

Lily knelt down and held out her hand, shaking the large paw dutifully. She’d seen the sketches of Radar and smiled tenderly at the spot where her eye had been, remembering the trauma in John’s voice that day and knowing how close the two were. Lily snapped to attention as the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

“Don’t disappear on me!” she mumbled aloud, thinking that this might be all just a hallucination or some fanciful dream. He was here, with her. “I’ve got to help with bus duty. But please, don’t leave. If you want to wait in my classroom -its room 204 just down the hallway. But please don’t leave,” she repeated and blushed.

“Wild horses couldn’t take me from here,” he told her with a warm, encouraging smile. “Go ahead, I understand about having a duty to perform better than anyone.”

* * *

John watched Lily walk away, ushering the children out of the auditorium and marveling at the soft, gentle way she managed them. She was more breathtakingly beautiful in real life than in photos. When she walked forward up the aisle, he couldn’t breathe as he was certain an angel was drifting his way. Her translucent golden skin from time in the sun made his fingers curl with want and abject fascination as he held out a hand towards her. The moment she lay her delicate fingers in his hand, he noticed how feminine they were compared to his and instantly felt grateful yet humbled that this beautiful creature had taken the time to speak with him – to be there for him. He couldn’t help but stare at her.

Her warm brown eyes reminded him of a myriad of fall leaves with brilliant shades of dark black, browns and even a bit of gold. He saw that she wore the blue earrings that he’d sent her, making his heart skip a beat. The earrings made him feel like he’d made an impact or had reached her somehow, marking her that she was his girl.

She was a miracle to him and he swore to himself to make sure she never regretted contacting him. He’d felt compelled to kiss her cheek and did so without a thought as she had stared up at him enraptured. He loved her expressive face and found himself smiling as he recognized that emotion. His own soul burned with the attraction to her and saw it in her eyes.

John waited dutifully in her classroom, drinking in the atmosphere. It reminded him of her in so many ways. Colorful, warm, caring and exuberant in soft undertones that made you want to be there, yearned to be in her aura. He noticed that behind her desk, she had a small gathering of dried roses hanging upside down and tied with a red ribbon. Were they the roses he’d asked his mother to send? He knew he was enamored of the person who he believed her to be and wanted to reach out, to show her he cared. He cared for her mind and heart, not for the shell that Lily kept downplaying. She said she was plain over and over again, yet here she was in the flesh and he was floored by how glorious a woman she was. Soft delicate curves were hinted at in her dress and made her look so very exquisite.

John smiled and shook his head. She was making his brain mush and wax poetic as he came up with word after word mentally to describe his miracle lady. His woman.Lord, I pray you guide me so I don’t mess this up,he thought as he caught a glimpse of her out of the window. Her smiles, the way she knelt down to tie a child’s shoes and waved at the buses made him feel such a burst of warmth. John was infatuated with Lily and he knew it. She was love incarnate and he wanted to bask in her radiance.

Lily returned several moments later and came to an immediate halt as she entered her classroom. John was more breathtaking in person than she’d ever dreamed. She saw him staring at the chalkboard, reading, his arms crossed over his broad chest. Radar had taken the time to lay down on the cool tile floor and take a nap. Her tail gave several thumps as she entered her classroom, letting her know that she was aware of her return. John’s head turned towards her and she saw the recognition in his eyes, the possessive hot look that made her limbs weak.

“Sorry I took so long,” she blurted out and blushed. He made her feel all bumfuzzled and mindless. She hated to look like a fool, yet when she saw him or spoke with him, she was just muttering whatever crossed her mind. It was like the filter for her mouth had been broken or had a big huge heart shaped hole in it allowing just whatever to flow right out like water.

“I don’t mind.”

“I bet this is so boring. I mean, it’s an elementary school and it’s been a while since you’ve been in one, right?” Lily slapped her forehead as the words just poured out unwittingly. “You know I didn’t mean it like that, right?”

“It was accurate. I just turned thirty-nine last Wednesday, so yeah- it’s been a while.” he said with a warm smile, taking a step towards her and holding out his hand. Lily reactively stepped towards him, drawn like a magnet, before stopping. He stopped and stood there with his hand extended before letting it drop back to his side, a wariness in his eyes.

“Aren’t you nervous? Worried? Anxious?” she asked tenuously, the fear and trepidation in her voice. She was afraid to get attached to an idea she’d become fond of; what if there was a massive let down? Could she handle the heartbreak?

“I’m exhilarated, thrilled and scared to death,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair and looking away from her for a brief moment. His straight hair fell back around the crown of his head, feathering in large waves that made her yearn to reach right out and see if it was as soft as it looked.

“Then why are we putting this pressure on ourselves, putting ourselves through this?”

“Do you want me to leave?” John asked tightly, and she saw his shoulders clench as if he was guarding himself or had just be struck. She wasn’t rejecting him, just a little overwhelmed by everything. It wasn’t a slow trickle of emotion raging in her, it was like someone had turned on the fire hydrant. Overwhelming rushes of feelings that she wanted to analyze, categorize or savor.

“No, I just want the nerves to go away. I so enjoyed the happiness in our words both by letter and by phone. Does that make sense? I want the joy betw-“

Lily suddenly stopped, eyes flying open wide as John moved into action, taking two large steps towards her and pulling her into his arms. Warm steely bands wrapped around her waist as she was suddenly pressed against his chest. His lips claimed hers with a barely restrained hunger that was palpable. Her eyes drifted closed as her heart, mind and body sighed in peaceful measure.

Soul recognized soul.

The two pieces clicked, and Lily marveled at the purity of light coming from him. This is what John had meant by miracle. He’d recognized it and she’d somehow known it was there, but a faint fear had held her back from jumping right in. He obviously didn’t. He didn’t just jump right in – the man mentally leaped over the cliff wholeheartedly like a crazed base jumper, fearless and glorying in it. His faith was humbling. His kiss was melting those fears from her, dispelling any thoughts that maybe this was all a huge mistake.

It was perfection.

His lips slowly broke the kiss between them, making her ache with a sensation she’d not felt in such abject intensity before- desire. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and she could feel the heat of his body against hers. It was like finding true warmth for the first time ever and she didn’t want to let go. His lips were ever so close to her own and she could feel his breath mixing with hers.

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