Page 112 of Melinda's Choice

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“It is the greatest of virtues. Unfortunately, I am not in possession of it at this moment.”

She laughs, “You will have to be, old man.”

I sigh. “Yes, I am an old man.”

She rolls her eyes. Mine narrow. “Has something happened?” I ask. “You seem a little… brusque this morning.”

She does not answer immediately, instead taking a sip of her beverage. Then she lifts cool eyes at me. “No, Kirimor, I just have to get to work. Denishar has agreed to meet me in three beats, so I have to finish my coffee and get going.”

“Ah, that is good. I am sure you will get him to agree to your trade mission proposition. I will not keep you then. I wish you a most productive and positive day, my lovely.”

She smiles as she ends the call. “Thanks, and you have a good day too.”

Hmm. Something is definitely up. She is treating me like a business acquaintance rather than a lover. However, I shall get to the bottom of this. As it happens, I too have a meeting scheduled with Denishar this morning. Strange how fate seems to intertwine our two paths. Or maybe not so strange if we are fated to be together.

I make my way down the stairs to the large dining room where my family gathers to eat the morning repast. My children and drashas are already there, except for Kirimara and Kiristen. I greet them all with a kiss, as is my custom, then sit down as Merostena passes me a basket of freshly bakedlam. “Blessed morning, Kirimor,” she says, giving me a kiss on the lips.

“Blessed morning my dear,” I respond. “Where are Kirimara and Kiristen?”

She shrugs. “Kiristen has bedded once again with Troy, and Kirimara has already left for college.”

I frown. “Did she at least remember to eat?”

“I made sure she took a roll oflambefore she left.”

“I wish she had waited. It has been two rotations since I have seen her.”

“She will be back for the lunch repast, my dearest.”

Merostena serves me a cup ofnari.I mostly drink it ice cold, except for the mornings when I like to have it steaming hot. I take a sustaining sip of it, thinking of Melinda and her Earth drink, coffee. I am keen to sample it and see what is so special about it. I want to learn all I can about Melinda’s Earth customs.

I sit quietly and half-listen to the usual chatter around me, my mind on the lovely female that has captured my heart. I did not like her cool manner with me earlier, but when I see her at Denishar’s palace later this morning, I will make sure to remind her that she is mine now. And when I get her to myself, I will find out why it is she is acting this way. Something is bothering her, I can tell.

Merostena places a hand on my knee, stroking gently. “Kirimor, my dear, you seem distracted this morning. Did all go well on your trip to the southern sector?”

I force my focus back on the people gathered around me, smiling. “It went extremely well, thank you for asking.”

She kisses my cheek. “Then what is on your mind?”

Now is as good a time as any to tell them all of my feelings for Melinda. “I am thinking of the female I have fallen in love with.”

Her hand falls away. With a frown, she asks, “Is it that Human female?”

“Her name is Melinda, and yes, it is her.”

“I love Melinda too,” cries Kiritela excitedly. “When will I see her again?”

I hug my daughter to me. “I do not know, little star, but I hope it will be soon.”

Her mother, Cleotola, sitting on the other side of me, runs a gentle hand over our daughter’s head as she asks, “Will she agree to become your drasha?”

And here we go, the moment of truth. “No, Cleotola. She will not be my drasha. I am going to resign my position as sicortar just as soon as Melistor is ready to take over, and then I plan to mate her.”

“Mate her?” cries Jolpinesa, shocked.

“What does that mean for us?” interjects Jalimara.

Merostena is silent beside me.
