Page 113 of Melinda's Choice

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“It means, dear and beloved drashas, that I will be releasing you all from your duties. You will be free to live your own lives, even find yourselves a mate, should you wish.”

“We have devoted our lives to you, Kirimor,” says Merostena quietly. “How can we ever think of mating someone else? I had thought to end my days by your side.”

I look at her sadly. “It is not to be, Merostena. I am so sorry, my dear.”

She nods and looks down at her plate, not speaking.

“What will happen to us? Where shall we live?” asks Jalimara again.

“You will continue to live in this house. When I made you my drashas, I pledged to give you a home for the rest of your days. This will remain your home; nothing will change for you in that respect.”

“Even I, who have been with you such a short time?” wonders Pirofena.

I smile at her reassuringly. “I made a solemn promise to your family that I would always take care of you, Pirofena. I will keep that promise. This is your home as long as you want it to be.”

“Will Melinda be coming to live with us?” asks Kirishar innocently.

How to answer this question? I give as truthful a response as I can. “I do not know yet, but to begin with, I am hoping she will stay with me in the cabin until we have worked out more permanent arrangements.”

Kirilor, looking troubled, murmurs, “Pa, are you leaving us? Will we not see you anymore?”

My tail reaches out to stroke his cheek. “My sweet boy, I will never leave you, and you will see me every day. I merely have to make new arrangements to make Melinda feel comfortable and at home here.”

“What sort of arrangements do you have in mind?” asks Cleotola.

“I am thinking of developing the attic space of the house into a living area for Melinda and I. We had thoughts before of extending up there to make more room. Sholinar already has the plans drawn up. We can lift the roof up by a few more feet to give us extra headspace.”

She considers this. “That could work. As your mate, it is understandable that Melinda will wish for some private space. I have read up about Human customs.”

I look at her gratefully. “Yes. I want her to have this privacy, but also for all the children to have access to us whenever they wish.”

“It will take time to complete such building works,” states Jolpinesa.

“I will try to expedite the work, but yes, it may take a few moon rotations to get it done.”

“And where will you be in the meantime?”

I sigh. “That is still a matter for discussion between Melinda and me. To begin with, I propose we stay in the cabin, as a way of celebrating the early period of our mating. After that, we shall see. Whatever happens, I will ensure I see you every day. Please do not worry about that. I will always be here for you all.”

Cleotola tucks her head on my shoulder. “Change is always an adjustment, but I am sure it will all work out in the end. I wish you great happiness together, Kirimor.”

One by one, the rest of my drashas wish me happiness, though I see that my oldest companions, Merostena and Jalimara, are struggling to hide their grief. I speak with all my children individually, making sure they are alright and giving them the affection they need. Finally, I leave for my meeting with Denishar.


I arrive at Denishar’s palace and am shown straight through to his receiving chamber. Denishar rises to his feet in welcome, a surprised Melinda by his side. I give my old friend the customary greeting, placing my hand on his chest then bowing. “Denishar, it is good to see you, dear friend.”

“And you, Kirimor.”

My tail whips up into the air and swings around my lovely Human, pulling her body towards me.

“Kirimor!” she protests.

“Hush,” I say, bringing her face to mine and claiming her lips. I feel her try to pull away, so I tighten my arms and tail around her. I deepen the kiss, running my tongue along the seam of her lips, demanding entry. She is powerless to deny me. Her lips part, and I plunge into the velvety softness of her mouth. I kiss her long and hard, and when I do finally release her, she is breathless and quivering in my arms.

“I see you two need no second introduction,” says an amused voice. I look up to find Denishar regarding us with a sparkle in his eyes.

“Melinda is to become my mate, just as soon as I am released from my duties as sicortar,” I tell him.
