Page 114 of Melinda's Choice

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My prickly female immediately takes issue with these words. “It is not a done deal, Kirimor. You’re supposed to ask me first.”

“Very well, let me ask you now in front of a witness.”

“Kirimor! I am in a work meeting. This is not the place nor the time. And in any case, I said you weren’t to ask me until you had untangled your life.”

I brush gentle fingers through the soft strands of her hair. “Denishar is an old friend of mine, so I am sure he will forgive the interruption. You asked me to work out new arrangements with my drashas. I have. You will get your private living space, my lovely. As to the other matter. I have already set the wheels in motion to end my time as sicortar. Melistor will soon be coming to stay with me to continue his tutelage. I do not believe it will be long before he is fit to take my place. I am doing everything to untangle my life so I am free to be with you.”

I remember what she told me about the way Humans get engaged to their mate, and I loosen my tail from around her waist so that I can get down on my knees. “So, Melinda, I ask you now in the presence of my good friend Denishar. My love, will you be my mate?”

She is flushed, her lips and even the tips of her fingers trembling. I wait patiently on my knees for her response, but she does not reply.

“Well Melinda, what is it to be?” asks Denishar. “I can assure you there is no finer or more honorable person than Kirimor. Will you accept to be his mate?”

Still she does not respond.

I let my tail trail up her leg, stroking its way up her body to her face, where I let it brush against her lips. “Melinda, my love. My heart is yours and only yours for the rest of eternity. I swear a solemn oath that from the moment we mate, I will always be true to you. Please my sweet, be mine.”

She takes the tip of my tail in her hand and kisses it. “Yes,” she says, her voice breaking. “I will.”

I sigh in relief then rise to my feet swiftly, bringing her into my arms. “It is settled now, my love,” I whisper in her ear. “No more holding back from me. We belong together.”


“May I be the first to offer my most sincere congratulations,” booms Denishar jovially, reminding us we are not alone.

We turn to face him and say in unison, “Thank you.”

“Now, with the matter settled, may we return to discuss our business?”

“Of course,” says Melinda, resuming her cool, working demeanor. We sit ourselves down on the floor cushions, although I cannot resist snaking my tail around her luscious form again. “Denishar, I trust you have agreed to the proposed trade mission from Earth. Much good and many lives could be saved through the exchange of trade and expertise between our pharmaceutical industries.”

“Indeed, Melinda has argued this very convincingly. I was about to give my agreement to her proposal when you walked in.”

“Thank you Denishar,” smiles Melinda. “I believe this will be a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

He returns her smile and says, “Nevestor, the leader of the eastern sector, will be visiting me next rotation, so I will be sure to discuss this with him. I do not foresee any difficulty in securing his agreement, but you will have to make your representations to the leader of the western sector, Lorifena.”

“I understand,” replies Melinda. “I will make arrangements to do so just as soon as I can. Thank you so much for your time today.”

She makes as if to leave, but I stop her. “Stay, my lovely, while I conclude my business with Denishar. You do not have any urgent place you need to be?”

She hesitates. “No, but surely you don’t want me here while you have your meeting.”

“Oh, but I do. Perhaps you could work on your communicator for a short time while Denishar and I discuss matters.”

“I can always wait outside, Kirimor, then you can speak more freely surely.”

I gaze fondly at her. “That is very considerate of you, my lovely, but it is not a concern as you will not hear anything we say.”

At this, she raises a puzzled brow. “How so?”

Denishar explains. “We will go sit by the fragrant fountain and let the aromatic essence help us reach a state of deep meditation where we can speak to each other in our minds.”

Melinda looks at me in astonishment. “Does that mean that you’re telepathic, like the Venorians?”

“No, not quite like them. I cannot read someone’s mind through touch. However, when in a trance, I can build a bridge between my mind and Denishar’s so we can communicate our thoughts rapidly. You can watch while we do it, though of course you will hear nothing of what we say.”

“I’m intrigued. Well, if you don’t mind, I do have work I can do on my communicator while you two discuss whatever it is you need to.”
